Is my Betta sick?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 13, 2013
One of my Betta Boys slowed down his activity level and started hanging out by the water surface. He was juvenile in March, looks like maybe fully grown now. Have have him for 2 months, in his own 2.5 gal cycled, filtered, heated, heavily planted tank. All water parameters are ok except for Ammonia it was 0.25 yesterday, did water change. Can't see any visible signs of illness on him (spots or anything) and he eats his food. This has been going on for 2 days now, I had apple snail and couple of ghost shrimp in there with him and took the snail out after reading one of the posts on this forum last night about their bioload. Aquarius (that's his name) went crazy looking for him (the snail) he made endless circles checking out all the hidding places, the plants and everything. I know he was looking for the snail. Then we went to bed, then this am..... Sitting at the surface again! I'm worried about him. Does anyone out there have any ideas of what maybe wrong with him? I know hanging close to the surface maybe due to issues with damaged gills from ammonia to help them breathe, but ammonia in this tank has never been higher then 0.25, I thought this was not enough to cause any permanent damage in fish, is that not true? And how can I help him other then good care which he's been getting. I hope someone out there chimes in with some tips for me. Thank you
Nothing is "dumb":) and thank you for thinking about it. I tend to think that my fish have personalities and yes! They do develop bonds! Aquarius started acting funny 1.5 days before removing the snail, and about 2 days later after I put the snail in his tank. Went to my lfs today, my "Betta Specialist" Guy said it was not likely tge snail contributed to change of behavior. One of the people there recommended Mardel "Quick Cure" drops, but the Betta Guy said to better stick with water changes (even 40-50%) once or twice per day to bring ammonia down to zero.
Just fyi DragonGirl, I did put that darn snail back into his tank last night. Have not seen Aquarius yet this am, almost scared to go look... And made another trip to lfs, another one of my friendly guys was there, he suggested trying BettaFix the homeopathic sol that they sell at box stores, I did 1/2 prescribed dose last night... That's a reason I'm scared to check on him this am, putting any kind of chemicals in fish water freaks me out bcs I've got this thong in my head that their water for them is like the air we breathe for us, I always worry about polluting it and making them suffocate. I know it sounds silly and people put stuff in tanks all the time and actually make them better and more beautiful. I need to work on this little hang up of mine:)
Ohh ok from the first post it sounded like he started acting weird as soon as you took the snail out. I guess I should read more carefully xD. I know how you feel about adding stuff to the water but I'm sure he's fine. I tried betta fix on my problem child betta and he was perfectly alright although it didn't seem to help at all. From what I've read it seems that it's only good for external wounds and whatnot.

Do you have prime or something to neutralize the ammonia in between water changes in case that's what is affecting him?
Tested water in Aqua's tank this am bfr leaving house, ammonia was 0 and everything else was ok, he was still sitting at the top resting nestled in his favorite plants. Skipped their usual small am snack this am, left lights off... Stopped by lfs got the Quick Cure sol just to have it on hand, spoke with the Betta expert there (she used to breed the show Bettas) she said if no change and water remains WNL (within normal limits) to try the antibiotic unless any obvious signs start showing (s/s of velvet or something). Got home just now and Aquarius greeted me as he used to and started his normal "patrolling his tank" show off swim. So for now it'll be watchful waiting, daily testing and adjusting water parameters to the optimal... I'm hopeful:)

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