Is my tap water safe?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 7, 2010
I just had the water main break over the weekend and after replacing the whole pipe, the water in the house became contaminated with mud/dirt for a few days and I was wondering how long I should wait or if there are any tests I can do before changing out the water for my fish?
run the water for a while, that should clear things out... You can test the tap water the same way you would test your tank water. An API Freshwater test kit would be most accurate.
You should be reasonably safe once you run the water till clear. The sediments are mostly safe (mud & stuff is OK for fish). The only worry would be heavy metals or possibly oils & other contaminants when they replace the pipe. Typically, the water co flush things out before they reconnect the water, so I would think the risk is low. If you want to be doubly sure, you can add a double dose of Prime or other good binding dechlor, that should take care of the heavy metals (lead form solder, etc).
If you drink the water, it's fine for your fish. I had to replace several burst pipes when my wife and I purchased our house. The house has mostly galvanized steel plumbing and it froze, knocking loose all the rust that had built up in the pipes over forty years. For three months we were constantly having to clean the rust out of faucet aerators, but I never saw any ill effects on my tanks.
I appreciate the help, I went ahead and did a water change for both of my tanks last night and the fish are suffering from no ill effects. I just wanted advice before I went through with it!
If you ever have any plumbing work done, run the taps for a while before you drink from it or use it in any way. Just makes good sense. :)
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