Is this a Favia Coral? - Needs some help

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Apr 6, 2004
I got this Coral Attached to my Rock from It has some bleaching and a little bit of damage, but other then that I think it still may be alive. I feed my tank spray dried plankton and I use seachem reefbuilder. Do you think it will live. My tank is just about done it's cycle,but I got a small amonia spike when I put the rock in <.05, but from what I have been reading about this coral if it is truly a favia coral is that they live in low quality water and medium light.

Do you think it will be ok. How should I go about feeeding it.


That looks more like some type of sponge. Favia.sp is a LPS (brain)coral and from that pic I can't see any polyps. Did it ever show any open polyps?
It is Siderastrea Radians (lesser starlet coral) One of the hardiest corals there is, and frequently found on liverock. Look it up in "Aquarium Corals" page 246 I have tons of it on my LR that survived shipping.
Thanks thats it! . I was reading that they bleach easy then their color comes back.. Should I feed it anything special, since I don't have fish it the tank yet there is not that much nutrients.
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