Is this Danio sick/pregnant/both!?!

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 16, 2017
Western Washington
I have a 20 gallon community tank (1 year set-up, cycled) that is pretty understocked due to a few semi-recent deaths. It contains 3 zebra danios, 10 months ( I know, should have more, one recent death was one of them that was deformed and was sucked into the filter, and two mysteriously disappeared, either the same way or another fish, not completely sure.) I have a molly, about 6 months, a platy, almost a year, and two cories, both over 10 months. As you can see, nothing has been added for a long time. All plants are fake, also been in their eover 6 months. The tank came in an Aqueon 20 gallon kit, with the aqueon 10 filter (I think) I have tested it with a kit, but with brand new test strips, the nitrites were 0 and the nitrates were 20-40.

Anyway, today was am deep cleaning my pea puffer's 5 gallon, so I put him in a specimen container and on the edge of the 20 gallon to keep him warm (it's cold). I also fed the 20 gallon tank some bloodworms, to see if I could get my puffer to eat them, he doesn't seem to like them. As I was watching all my fish, I noticed one of my danios looked really weird. The stomach was super big and hanging down way father down than normal. I haven't had any lay eggs in my tank, I'm not even sure how to sex them, but if it's sick I want to know, so I can deal with it. If anyone has any information that would be great, or past experiences.

Side note: I don't think it's just from stuffing it's face with bloodworms, it looked like that before it had eaten too many.
Definitely looks like it's carrying eggs, ive bred them before and they rounded stomachs before they drop eggs
The only other fish I've had that have had fry are guppies, when I was like 8. How many eggs do they typically have, and do they survive? I don't know if anything in my tank would eat them or not.
Typically 100~ each, but they'll eat the fry once they hatch, when mine hatched I had around 300+ fry because I had a bunch of females and only ended up with 30 in the end
Nope, also with what you have in the tank I doubt any will survive unless you try to use a breeder box for her until she lays the eggs and you keep them there
Okay. I'm not too worried about them surviving, I was just hoping she wasn't going to explode or anything. If a few live, that's great, if not, maybe next time I'll try a breeder box. Thank you for the info.
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