It was bad...

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Going off on the guy wouldn't do any good either as they can always find some excuse why you were at fault. Depending on who you can talk to and maybe trust on some level, I would let the store know. An ethical employee will hopefully avoid recommending the product or an ethical manager might return the stock and order something else.

True...but it partially is my fault, I panicked when it didn't stop clouding and ended up killing my fish...
I know this was a long while ago, but I'm sorry your fish perished.

Also I would like to say for the sake of others reading this thread; first off Easy-Life's fluid filter medium does not harm your fish. It is 100% safe, even if a child drinks it. It contains earth minerals that have not been disclosed by the producers. I was a bit sceptical about this at first however my very experienced local fish specialty store owner highly recommended it. Doing a 90% water change without knowing what is happening to your fish is incredibly foolish and is what led the fish to their demise. But I do understand you doing so.

Secondly, if the label of EL's FFM was read properly, you would have read that "After addition it makes the water turbid, because the contents become active. When more contaminants are present, this cloudiness lasts longer. In freshwater aquariums it lasts 4-16 hours (to 48-72 hours), in marine tanks 2-4 hours (to 12-24 hours) and in ponds 24-48 hours (to 5-8 days). Subsequently, the water becomes crystal clear."

This is a very good product because it is completely natural and actually fights the cause of problems in your tank rather than Prime, which creates a chemical slime coat on your fish to protect it and does not rid the tank of whatever is causing your fish to be ill in the first place.

I have never been more happy since using EL's FFM, it makes A LOT of incredible claims and from what I have witnessed in my own tank, it certainly does live up to them. And I use to always use Prime.

But just ALWAYS make sure that you research, research, research! ANYTHING that you put into your fish tanks and don't just stop at the first couple of bad comments you see. People will mainly post about bad experiences over good ones always. :)
I have to agree with Valco here. I too have purchased this product based on the recommendation of a very experienced breeder and have found it to be very good. I now use it all the time. It will cloud the water initially as it says on the bottle. That is the formula working. 'In fresh water aquariums it [cloudiness] lasts 4-16 hrs' and 'subsequently, the water becomes crystal clear'. The more heavily polluted your tank is the longer the cloudiness lasts.

I'm afraid what killed your fish was the massive water change you did. You panicked when you saw the initial cloudiness and didn't give the product a chance. And the cloudiness that you later report having done the massive water change simply could not be the Easy-life. That's not possible. It was most likely as a result of the sand you added, which no doubt subsided in time.
+1 on easy life ffm, stuff works great I've used it for over 3 years now and seems to make the water clearer than prime. I admit I was skeptical but I'm a true beliver now. Sorry about your fish loss.
I started using Easy Life a couple of years ago in addition to Prime each water change (Easy Life as a conditioner/bio booster, Prime to de-chlorinate). After the initial cloudiness, the water becomes crystal clear, something I couldn't quite achieve prior as there was always a little bit of a haze that became obvious under moon lighting. An excellent product with brilliant results, you just need to be patient for a few hours.
Lmao!! So u give a bad review because you cant read directions?? Bahahaha... so what LFS are you associated with? Be honest mate. Some of us are not stupid,,, if u can use only one product do replace the rest , wouldn't you? I have. If u owned a shop- you would freak out. Easy Life is the BOMB!! And if u read ALL of label it says the longer the initial cloudyness lasts,the dirtier ur water was to start with and can take up to 4 hrs to clear. And trust me when it does its CRYSTAL clear. I will better you $50 and u can sue me if I don't pay, try it again and read all the bottle and don't panic like a child this time, dose ur tank and go to sleep, and when u wake up if ur water isn't the clearest its ever been, and if u test ur water and the big 3 are not 0 0 0, I send u $50.
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