I've picked most of my fish, but how many?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 3, 2006
Hey all, I'm doing some planning ahead. I've decided on either a 50 or 55 gallon tank (both 4 ft long). I'm planning on an XP3 filter (overkill?), and having some live plants (with 1.5-2 wpg, no CO2). I'd like to have the following fish:

Rams (blue and gold)
School of tetra's (what kind?)
Some cories

I'd thought about some kribs, but hear they are a bit too aggressive.

Anyhow, how many of these fish can I have, and still have a manageable tank (I don't want to do PWC's every day). I figure is school of tetra's is 6-8 fish, and 5-6 cories. Any suggestion on a tetra (I hear angel's like neons as snacks)?

Any other stocking suggestions are appreciated.
With a tank that size I would suggest the following stocking levels:

4 angels
2 rams or 4 apistos
5 cories
8 cardinal tetras
4 otos

Definitely do not get neon tetras because angelfish prey on them in the wild. The slightly larger cardinal tetras (or something similar) should do fine. I would only add some otos to what you have already mentioned as they make great algae eaters. They should only be added after your tank has been set up several months so that algae is present. Be sure and provide plenty of plants as all of the fish will appreciate the cover.
it depends how much time you want to spend maintaining it.

Weekly maintenance is all I want to do (i.e. on Saturdays). As for how much time on Saturdays, probably an hour or so.
I'm gonna suggest:

2 angels (you could buy 4 and then keep a pair)
6-10 tetras (depending on what kind)
6-8 cories
4-6 otos
2-4 rams or apistos

You could do 2 schools of tetras instead of one if you'd like. I'd say 6-8 in each school. Or if you decide on one school...you could have up to 10 IMO.

I would pick either the rams or apistos and just go with one type of ram, if you choose them. I know that bolivians and germans can sometimes interbreed, but i'm not sure about apistos. I know that some people do keep 2 types together, but IMO it would look better to have a group of the same kind.

The more cories and otos you get, the happier they will be. I think you could do as many as 10 cories, if you choose a smaller type...or 6-8 of a larger type.

The type of schooling fish is up to you. I'll name off some that I personally like: lemon tetras, flame tetras (aka von rios), pristella tetras, black neon tetras (fine with angels), rummynose tetras, and harlequin rasboras.

I'd stay away from nippy tetras like serpaes, widow tetras (black and white), and buenos aires.

Plants will really help the parameters stay in check (i.e. keeps nitrAtes down). I should know because my tank is a bit overstocked and heavily planted. The most my nitrAtes get is around 15ppm...which is fine. With weekly maintenance, you should be fine! :)

Let us know what you decide!
JustOneMore20 said:
I would pick either the rams or apistos and just go with one type of ram, if you choose them. I know that bolivians and germans can sometimes interbreed
are you sure about that they are different species...Gold Rams and German Blues are the same species and will interbreed...

Anyways My suggestions...
Start with 4 small angels until you get a pair, then you will have to get ride of the "non-pair" angels.
either 4 apistos or 4 rams (i like a pair each of Germans and Bolivians)
6-8 Rummy nose Tetra or Cardnal Tetra
3-5 Cories
I would not get otos unless you plan to have a planted tank...
JDogg said:
JustOneMore20 said:
I would pick either the rams or apistos and just go with one type of ram, if you choose them. I know that bolivians and germans can sometimes interbreed
are you sure about that they are different species...Gold Rams and German Blues are the same species and will interbreed...

Anyways My suggestions...
Start with 4 small angels until you get a pair, then you will have to get ride of the "non-pair" angels.
either 4 apistos or 4 rams (i like a pair each of Germans and Bolivians)
6-8 Rummy nose Tetra or Cardnal Tetra
3-5 Cories
I would not get otos unless you plan to have a planted tank...
Just to clarify: Gold rams and Blue rams are the same species but Bolivians are not.

Angels - depends if you want to eventually have a breeding pair or would like just one or two
German Rams - I don't have experience with 'em but I think 4-5 should be ok (based on what I've read)
Apistos - Don't know much about them
Tetras - 6-12, most types should be ok, do skip neons though because angels will eat them
Cories - 5-8, may not want to get too many because rams and apistos would stay near the bottom part of the tank as well.
RoK said:
Just to clarify: Gold rams and Blue rams are the same species but Bolivians are not.

Also to note, GBR's and Bolivians have bred together in the past, and people do it to get what's called Balloon Rams. I personally don't like them myself, and an not a fan if inter-breeding. These fish look like Bolivians with the GBR's markings and some of the coloring. They may also have a similar shape to the GBR as well, but on a much larger scale.
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