Ivory mystery/apple snail eggs

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 30, 2013
I'm a little confused as I've had my snail a little over 3 months and it was my understanding that although they can be both male and female, it takes two to procreate. However, this morning I found a lovely mound of eggs attached to the wall of my tank. I didn't read they usually lay the eggs above the water, and there is plenty of room above water level. I need info, better info that I can google. I've never had a snail lay eggs before.
Do I need to do anything?
Are they going to be ok fully submersed in water?
Any specific water needs? I was going to do a 20% change today, but now I'm nervous.
Any advice would be great.


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After everything I could google I moved the eggs on top of a rock out of the water, just above the surface. It's close to the light, but the lights are not hot.

How do I tell if the eggs are fertilized?


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Mine puts the eggs against the glass outside the water, every 3 weeks but they never hatch and she ends up eating them after 2 weeksUnfertilized eggs that's my opinion
Is it weird that I've had it 3 months and she's never laid eggs before though?
That's funny I was talking about eggs and when I came home I looked more eggs, but they hatch I know that :(


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Mystery snails lay eggs above the water line. They can lay eggs even if they have not breed. Like chickens. The eggs may or may not be fertile. Mystery snails can store sperm for long periods of time and wait to lay eggs when the conditions are just right. She may have breed before you got her and just waited to lay eggs. Or they could be infertile. If they are fertile you will know in a couple of weeks. Fertile eggs will get a dark spot in the eggs. That is the developing babies. If, in a couple of weeks, the eggs do not lighten or get a dark spot then they are infertile. IF they were underwater for more than a couple of minutes than they are dead. They cannot survive underwater. Keep in mind that each egg casing can have from 30 to hundred baby snails. They put a large load on your bio filter. I have hatched as many as three hundred at a time and it gets to be too much trying to keep the water clean.

If you do not want a lot of baby snails to deal with, just crush the eggs and throw them away. Freeze or crush before disposing of to ensure they do not hatch in the trash and get out into the environment. Here is a website all about apple mystery snails, applesnail.net
i have had my snails lay 2 batches of eggs it took almost 3 weeks for them to hate but they did just be patient and let it run its course
i have had my snails lay 2 batches of eggs it took almost 3 weeks for them to hate but they did just be patient and let it run its course

they were underwater for a few hours, i guess that means they're not good anymore. I'm going to get another snail now- I got excited about babies!
It is not unusual for a first time layer to lay them too close to the water edge and then they fall into the water. My girls did that. The fish ate them. They learn quickly to lay farther out of the water. I have even had females climb out of the tank and lay eggs. Found them on a table leg. Temperature plays a huge part in when the eggs hatch. I have had eggs hatch as soon as a week later and as long as 5 weeks later. Temps above 80 degrees give you quicker hatching times but also shortens the life of the snails. The higher the water temperature the shorter their lives from increased metabolism.
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