jack dempey not eating

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 20, 2013
hello AAer,

my adult jack dempey hasnt eaten much since I got him on 3,14th. he might ate 5,6 pellets, few pieces spirulina here and there, but no way to stuff his 11inch body.

he excrets are kinda light grey/ brownish. no stingy things hanging out.

he also got noticably slimmer on belly and tail parts.

anything i can do to get him to eat? should I go ahead and order metrodinozole and parasite guard in case I meed to use them?

please help, and ask me back for more details if needed.
i can go take some and post later, but there is no obvious showing of anything on the outside, except a few cratches by rocks from rapid swimming, and two missing pieces of scales.

nothing spotty, nothing fungal. he just hasnt eaten for 11 days!

what would you look for appearance wise for para infection.
sunken belly? meaning it tucks inwards, and looks shrunk in? He just looks skinny with a big head.
two causes mentioned are bloat and para.

I think tetrapara guard and metro should take care either of the issues?
my jack is still not eating.

he got noticably slimmer now, the belly got thin. the tail is so thin that even the bone lines are starting to show.

what should I treat him with?
I'm not really sure because I'm not sure what's wrong with the fish to be honest. If it was me I would does maracyn two and coppersafe. I'm.pretty sire those can be used together. Check and see what the package says
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