jack dempsey acting strange

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 28, 2012
I have a jack that i have had for almost two yrs. He has recently starting scratching himself on his tank decor. He has been twitching and like shaking his body. I thought maybe ich but i did a treatment but he is still doing it. Now i am doing a treatment of melafix it treats bacterial infections. I was suppose to do a seven days treatment...todays day eight. He hasnt got any better. I have check levels and i use prime for the water treatment. Im doing everything correct yet my baby is still sick. He eats three times a day gets his live fish once every two wks maybe once a month. Can someone please help me.
Sounds like it could be internal parasites. Continue the melafix and start doing daily water changes. Hope it gets better. Sorry you're going through this.
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