Java Moss and Java Fern

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Even with bright lights and ferilizers, my java ferns just don't grow very fast. When they start making babies at the leaf tips, they multiple pretty quickly though. You'll just have to be patient.
I have a bunch of those little plants developing on the leaves. Like maybe 5 on each leaf? This happened during the time I wasn't able to turn on the light for the aquarium since the bulbs burned out. Took me like 2 weeks to get new ones since I kept forgetting. Java Moss takes very long...... I saw a lot of it a LFS, but 5 dollars for like the size of a half dollar coin, I didn't want to spend so much money on it...

they just aren't fast growers. giving 10-12 hours of light per day helps. dosing a little flourish fert will help too. a little flourish Excel to provide free carbon might be helpful too. but don't expect wicked growth from them. If they look healthy, they are likely growing as best they can.
I just wanted to aid the plants in growing as fast as it can. The Java Moss has a darkish green color to it. Is that good?
My java moss is a bright, dark green. I believe this is healthy. I use Seachem Flourish Comprehensive Supplement for the Planted Aquarium, and Flourish Excel carbon supplement. Before I started with these fertilizers, my moss had a lot of brown "stems". I picked those off, and started with the fertilizers. Now the moss is thick and green, and I very rarely see brown ends anymore.
never kept java moss, and the stores around here aren't big on plants so I can't trust that the few pieces I've seen were healthy.
I believe it should be a medium green, the color of lush green grass. Not so dark as forest green or hunter green...but I wouldn't call it light green.
Totally off topic, but~
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java moss

java moss does well with little or no lighting. As for growing, theres not much you can do to speed it up, but if the tips of the 'leaves' are brown, then its probably not as healthy that it could be ;)
SeaChem's comprehensive fert (a.k.a Flourish) is fine for fish as long as you follow the dosing instructions. It was the first liquid fert I used in my tanks, though I've since graduated to individual macro dosing, and using plantex CSM+Boron for my trace.
I just bought some Java moss covering the top of a 6 -7 inch long driftwood piece. About 1-2 inches wide. Only for 4.99 think thats a good price? The Java moss isn't too dark in the green color and not too light. It looks really good. Since it came with fishing line wrapped around the Java moss and driftwood I put the rhizome of the Java ferns between the fishing line. Do you think it would grow well like that? Btw can anybody give me some good info or sites on Dwarf Sagitaria. It was 5.99 for like 3 plants with quite a lot of green leaves. Not sure if that was good price, but there was only 2 other ones and I haven't seen it anywhere until now.
it sounds like you anchor'd the java fern properly. biggest issue is that you do NOT bury the rhizome...that can kill the plant, or at the least stunt it's growth. The way you did it, it should send out fuzzy brown 'roots' in the next couple of weeks, eventually anchoring itself down 100%.

$5 for a piece of driftwood WITH a bit of java moss sounds like a decent deal. Around here, the few times I saw java moss, it was $5 for a 3" clump, all by itself.

Dwarf sage. is pretty easy going. my LFS charges $1.18 per plant...of course last time he had any it was the huge clump I traded in for credit.

Sage. needs a good 1.5wpg to really do well. I kept it at 3wpg and ended up taking quite a bit in to trade for credit. If the tank is new, I'd use a few root tabs in it's area. If a seasoned tank, it should do fine once it acclimates.
I had the tank for around 3 years. I think or even more. I use found out the Dwarf Sag had more plantlets in the rockwool. Hehehe 8 of them. 3 bigger size, 1 medium(?) size, 3 small sized. I just found out my Amazon Sword had another smaller sized sword growing off of it. I got 3 Amazon swords :) I'm using tabs for them. Should I use tabs for the Dwarf Sag, the bigger ones at least? I want to try and grow my Dwarf Sag into a big carpet lol. How do you trim Dwarf Sag anyways? Can I cut the the leaves like cutting grass or do I remove the entire leaf? TIA
Should I use tabs for the Dwarf Sag, the bigger ones at least? I want to try and grow my Dwarf Sag into a big carpet lol. How do you trim Dwarf Sag anyways? Can I cut the the leaves like cutting grass or do I remove the entire leaf?

Remove entire dead leaves. don't cut it like mowing the lawn, the cut leaves will get nasty brown ends where you cut, looks bad, and if you cut too short may kill the plant. Mine always grows by putting off runners, wait till the new plant is a decent size, cut the runner and replant where you want it. Mine grows outwards in all directions, keeping it in a small area is hard, a big carpet should be easier. I have never bothered to use any roottabs for Dwarf sag, it thrives in my tanks without any substrate ferts.

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