Jellybean parrot cichlid question

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 17, 2004
N E Indiana
29 gallon tank --> Feb 2004
3 serpae tetra's
2 white clouds
2 jellyBean Parrot cichlids
3 dwarf neon blue Gourami's
2 green cory cats
1 dwarf bronze cory cat

5 Anacharis Plants 1 week
homemade div C02 2 days
oxygen curtain rod
30-60 aqua-tech power filter
Changed gravel and stones to pool filter sand last Friday

Did a 20% water change yesterday I use stress coat and stress zyme every water change

Nitrate 20
Nitrite 0
Hardness 300
Alkalinity 180
PH Level 8.4
Ammonia .25

I have 2 orange jellybean parrots. I love them, they are so funny. They come up to me and follow me back and forth. I go to one end of the tank and they swim to me real fast and I go to the other end and they come to me... It's so cute... I've had them since Feb, and I have noticed on the smaller one that he/she has blackess color on its fins and tail. The bigger jellybean is very aggessive and always getting after the smaller one.
I have serched the internet to find out what I can do to treat the condition. My LFS told me not to worry it would go away. Well last time it happened my jellybeans got ick.... I treated them for it with quick cure. I heard there's a vitamin for jellybeans. I asked my LFS they sold me a liquid and I use it 1 time a week in the tank. I know a lot of sites won't discuss jellybeans so I'm oping I can get some advice here. Thank You!

I had the Gourami's in my 10 gal tank but my 3 black molly's kept nipping their fins.
I have tried to take pictures but I get flash reflections off my aquarium glass.
I put the smaller one in a 5 gallon aquarium, removed the activated carbon from the filter and put some meltafix in the aquarium... He seems to be happier. Gumbo isn't chasing him all over. I did notice what looks like a small bite out of his tail...
IMHO, they are cichlids and aggression can be expected. I just don't understand the black coloration in the tail.
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