Jewel cichlid color comes and goes?

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Interestingly, mine is doing the same at the mo and i'm not sure why. Has been a lovely vivid red specimen for months but looks like the unwell specimen in your second picture in recent days. No other fish are unwell in my tank. Not sure if he's being bullied, but normally he can more than look after himself even with my GT, Male Sajica and Salvini, who are all about the same size / slightly bigger than him.
They are a breeding pair in their own tank. It's odd they will even change from bright to dull in one day and back again.
My cichlids always change colour. Usually the most colourful when standing off or around the female. My largest has the dullest colour. It is the most dominant and probably doesn't feel the need to show it's colours.
We have a pair and our larger one is the pale pink too.

Your fish are not ill. It is very common for jewels to do this. It has a lot to do with mood, mating/courting and just the jewels temperament in general. I have found that jewels are quite moody and have several mood swings lol. They're absolutely gorgeous when courting or being territorial. I wish they'd stay this color constantly

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Yeah, when I first bought them they most of been courting because they were both bright.
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