Joey's Rimless 17 Gallon High Tech Build

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Thanks, bill! They're still empty though until my Aquasoil and plants come in. My Aquasoil jut shipped and my plants should be ordered in the next week :)
I'm getting pretty excited for this build. I don't think we've seen a true Dutch build here yet, so it should be interesting.

Yeah, it will be mostly Dutch. I did order a piece of wood from ADG for a little hard scape. That wood may be used, or it may not be. If i use it, it will be covered in moss anyway. It depends upon how it flows with my selection of plants and so on.

I think my final list of plants will be:
Rotala Macrandra
Rotala Wallichi
Limnophilia Aromatica
Blyxa Japonica
Staurogyne Repens
Pogostemon Helferi
Mini Pellia or Flame Moss
Ludwigia inclinata var. verticillata

I will add or remove plants as the layout develops though. I'm going to get some plays from rivercats and some from TPT probably.

Plants to add later on:
Ludwigia sp. Curly/Tornado
Rotala Mini Butterfly
Erio Cinereum
Ammania sp. Bonsai

I hope my tank doesn't let you down! Yours never have let me down. ;)

EDIT: Didn't you have a bad experience with ADG?
Haha thanks dude! :) it wasn't a REALLY bad experience, but it wasn't that great either. Took a week or so for my aquasoil to ship. He didn't answer emails so I had to call him. It almost seems like a one man operation over there so I can understand why he gets a little behind. Not really sure how big the company is, but it's nothing like when I dealt with marine depot, they had excellent customer service and fast shipping. AFA also shipped my order out fast.
Yeah we need to see a good Dutch scape, especially how I failed miserably. I think I'll chalk that up with my persistence to use LEDs, where I think in the case of Dutch, t5ho should do better.. So you already have potential Joey.

As for ADG, there's some interesting buzz floating around about them. They lost or exited their contract to distribute ADA goods. AFA is now the sole ADA distributor in the US for the time being. I was following a thread regarding this on TPT a little while back. It also was being discussed in this local forum I'm in too.. interesting stuff and speculation.
Haha thanks dude! :) it wasn't a REALLY bad experience, but it wasn't that great either. Took a week or so for my aquasoil to ship. He didn't answer emails so I had to call him. It almost seems like a one man operation over there so I can understand why he gets a little behind. Not really sure how big the company is, but it's nothing like when I dealt with marine depot, they had excellent customer service and fast shipping. AFA also shipped my order out fast.

Anytime! :) hmmm. I was a little hesitant to order from then for that exact reason, but my order went out fast and on time. I was going to order from AFA, but they has some weird product backup and didnt know when they would be able to ship Aquasoil, so I just went with ADG. What's weird is that Frank didn't answer my emails at all, but Jeff gave me quick and speedy responses and was a big help. I have no clue what goes on there. Haha
Yeah we need to see a good Dutch scape, especially how I failed miserably. I think I'll chalk that up with my persistence to use LEDs, where I think in the case of Dutch, t5ho should do better.. So you already have potential Joey.

As for ADG, there's some interesting buzz floating around about them. They lost or exited their contract to distribute ADA goods. AFA is now the sole ADA distributor in the US for the time being. I was following a thread regarding this on TPT a little while back. It also was being discussed in this local forum I'm in too.. interesting stuff and speculation.

wouldn't say you failed at all Brian! Your GLA was still pretty awesome! I know id love to have it. Yeah, I did a lot of research into lighting when I was planning everything out. I think that for scapes that are stem plant dominated, T5s are the best for getting color. That's not to say that the BuildMyLED fixtures aren't nice because they definately are, but they certainly aren't cheap and I don't have that kind of money to spend on a light. At this point, until the price of LEDs comes down, I think that T5s are the best fit for me just because I'm 15 and I don't have much money. And believe me, I'm all about supporting the environment. I've gone to my state Capitol for rallies against Hydraulic Fracturing. Looking back, with my extra 80$, I probably could've gotten a BML, but I'm pleased.

Wow! That's crazy. I really hope they come up with something good down there! I would love to support an American company instead of a Japanese one. Im excited to see what jeff and frank have to offer. I wonder if It will kinda be like AFAs line of products. Hopefully way better, though.
Yeah, I guess so. Hmm. I wonder if they'll have a blowout sale or something. Probably not though.
Wow! That's crazy. I really hope they come up with something good down there! I would love to support an American company instead of a Japanese one. Im excited to see what jeff and frank have to offer. I wonder if It will kinda be like AFAs line of products. Hopefully way better, though.

What about GLA? They were making some really nice tanks. What I am hoping happens is GLA seizes the opportunity and starts distributing them consistently. AFA, now the only ADA distributor in the US, could raise prices and control the market. So it would really do everyone good if GLA or some other company started to compete.
What about GLA? They were making some really nice tanks. What I am hoping happens is GLA seizes the opportunity and starts distributing them consistently. AFA, now the only ADA distributor in the US, could raise prices and control the market. So it would really do everyone good if GLA or some other company started to compete.

GLA definitely has a good hold in the market here, and a great opportunity. However, we've all been waiting on there "new facility" to be finished, and I haven't seen any aquariums on their site for some time. I'd rather own a GLA tank than ADA, just because ADA seems like they monopolize the market a bit. They're like the aquarium hitler in my eyes... :lol:
GLA definitely has a good hold in the market here, and a great opportunity. However, we've all been waiting on there "new facility" to be finished, and I haven't seen any aquariums on their site for some time. I'd rather own a GLA tank than ADA, just because ADA seems like they monopolize the market a bit. They're like the aquarium hitler in my eyes... :lol:

Oh crap. I forgot about GLA! Probably because I haven't seen tanks on their website in forever. I defintely do agree Bill. I'd go for any American made tank before an Asian company even if that means coughing up extra cash.
But do you guys think the GLA tanks were actually "made in the USA"?

I guess that's the big question then. Personally, I don't think GLA had enough buyers to ship production overseas and try to increase profit margin. I'm going to email Orlando and see what's up with that. Now you have me thinking Brian. Haha.
I theorize that it's not necessarily shipping production, like their very own operation overseas, but rather they find a supplier who already produce these products and they order in bulk, and re-brand the products here. Like their atomic diffuser, it's actually not GLA's Intense, possibly slightly modified per GLA's request to be compatible to the US market. You can find these atomic regulator variants on eBay from HK/Taiwan. Example:

ADA gets their tanks produced in China.. then they slap the badge on it after a quick quality control look over. And based on the quality of these AquaTop tanks, I wouldn't be surprised if they came from the same OEM as ADA (but made at the specifications of the US company).

I'm just speculating. Probably Glasscages would have to be US made due to custom builds.
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