Joey's Rimless 17 Gallon High Tech Build

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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Does my stock sound alright?

-5 Neon Tetra
-7 CPD or 7 chili Rasboras
-1 German Blue Ram
Sounds good.. I love all those fish you have listed. Maybe some Otos if you start seeing some algae.
GBR's are definitely one of my favorite. I really like how they start swimming frantically towards the glass when they see you because they want food. It takes a while but once they learn you, it's pretty neat. Only negative is how sensitive they can be.
Ha! That's awesome. I just got done FaceTiming with my girlfriend who was at AFA. She got me Aquasoil and my diffuser.
Man... that's a nice GF you have! Sounds like mine... I just got her interested in the hobby and she already blew my scape away with her's! Have you seen the other thread I have going on, the one with the ADA 60F?
Yeah man! She's awesome. She's starting a low tech shrimp tank with my help, who knows, it will probably be better. Haha. But yeah! I saw that one! I'm actually following, I just haven't chimed in at all. That tank really makes me like the look of shallower tanks. Before I wasn't too fond of them. It's perfect for a shrimp tank though. It looks awesome!
These are all from AFA.


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What a beautiful store! I want a LFS of my own like that one day! haha

Luckily we have a store similar to that here in AZ not too far from my house called AquaTouch. All the FW fish tanks are all high tech planted... so if you want fish or plants, they're all mixed in like that.

So if your GF got you the AS and diffuser... what other equipment are you getting? You can get a lot of ADA clone glassware from HK really cheap. Just have to order now because it takes a while to get it.
Yeahhhh. I wish I had a store that even carried plants and anted tank stuff less than 40 minutes from me. There a big store called "That Fish Place" like 40 minutes from me. Nope, that's all I need. I have my co2, substrate, glass ware, and everything else I need! She gets home the 5, but until then ill be using my old diffuser.

Ill be ordering my 2215 and light fixture tonight, fibers crossed.

I have some semi sad news though. :/ My dad
Liked the idea of the 60P, until he figure four it would be 200$ shipped. So were opting for the Mr. Aqua counterpart. I can't complain much since he's paying for it though, so I'm
Yeahhhh. I wish I had a store that even carried plants and anted tank stuff less than 40 minutes from me. There a big store called "That Fish Place" like 40 minutes from me. Nope, that's all I need. I have my co2, substrate, glass ware, and everything else I need! She gets home the 5, but until then ill be using my old diffuser.

Ill be ordering my 2215 and light fixture tonight, fibers crossed.

I have some semi sad news though. :/ My dad
Liked the idea of the 60P, until he figure four it would be 200$ shipped. So were opting for the Mr. Aqua counterpart. I can't complain much since he's paying for it though, so I'm

Once the light is on, the standard glass is just as clear... You'll be happy with it. My mr aqua doesn't bother me at all.
All good... Mr. Aqua still makes some fine tanks! I definitely get one over a framed tank any day. At least you're getting a nice elegant rimless as a gift. Bill's 12 gallon long Mr. Aqua is a thing of beauty and he got TOTM with it :)
Thanks guys! Bill your 12 long is amazing. Yeah, even if the glass is tinted a tad, it's sooo much better than that ugly black rim. Finally this project will start soon! I've been waiting so long. Haha
Thanks guys! Bill your 12 long is amazing. Yeah, even if the glass is tinted a tad, it's sooo much better than that ugly black rim. Finally this project will start soon! I've been waiting so long. Haha

Like I said, it's pretty **** clear with the lights on. The only green part that is visible is the corner seams. Sometimes I'll be standing there staring at the tank, and trip out cuz it looks like there's no glass or water, like everything's just floating there... Lol
I feel like when I do get my rimless, my 5g shrimp tank, will quickly be converted to a mini m. Haha or a 60cm cube, or a 45-f
Hahaha, Brian! I completely forgot about that tank. Ok, let me rephrase, practical for normal people! LOL. Speaking of that, where does Mr. Barr get that kind of money?!? I want to do what he does. lol
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