Joey's Rimless 17 Gallon High Tech Build

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I was gone for 3 days and came home to a tank full of green hair algae. Anyone know why?? My light and co2 are all the same, but I didn't dose for the last two days. I guess I'll try spot treating tomorrow with h2o2 and start dosing again. Maybe I'll raise the light a little.
I was gone for 3 days and came home to a tank full of green hair algae. Anyone know why?? My light and co2 are all the same, but I didn't dose for the last two days. I guess I'll try spot treating tomorrow with h2o2 and start dosing again. Maybe I'll raise the light a little.

You probably bottomed out on nutrients. Next time you leave, set the lights and co2 to only be on a couple hours.
Yeah, I had a little problem before I left, and then it just tripled.

But on a good note, what a nice piece of glassware! And they included a check valve!


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Well, I will finally et around to ordering the last there things tonight. I'm going to order Aquasoil, driftwood, and a pound of manten stone to accent the driftwood. Jeff, from ADG, said he would pick me out a nice piece that would go well with what I'm trying to do.
Me too! I'm just getting a pound because I want something to accent the driftwood. The color of the stone and the driftwood flow well.
On ADGs website it's labeled as Texas Select premium driftwood. I could also get hornwood from AFA but I'm concerned that one piece would be enough to use for my scape. I should email them too.

Edit: How do you think mini pellia would look attached to the branches?
I like that driftwood too. Wasn't familiar with Texas DW. But I am familiar with hornwood... they both look nice!

Mini pellia is another plant I'm quite fond of. I'm not sure how it would look on the DW. Give it a shot... you can sell me some later if you manage to grow a lot :)

Fissiden Fontanus or mini fissidens would look good too.
I like that driftwood too. Wasn't familiar with Texas DW. But I am familiar with hornwood... they both look nice!

Mini pellia is another plant I'm quite fond of. I'm not sure how it would look on the DW. Give it a shot... you can sell me some later if you manage to grow a lot :)

Fissiden Fontanus or mini fissidens would look good too.

I concur. Ill try it, and if I don't like it or if I have a surplus if it, I'll just send it your way. I love fissidens! It's jut hard to find anywhere but TPT. I'd like to keep my plant order to one order, so if I don't link the mini pellia, ill pick some fissidens up.
Order placed. Very excited to finally get it going. :) it's taken much longer than I originally thought it would, but I'm glad I'm doing it right.
Congrats dude! It's always best to do it right the first time, and you'll definitely be glad that you decided to be patient! :)

Thanks alot, Bill! Man, you and Brian have helped me a whole lot! So I bumbled up my co2 a little bit, kept my light the same, and got back on track with my ferts. Hopefully that will keep it away, and until then, I'm ready for war!

I'm hoping I don't have a bad experience with ADG like you did bill!


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No, but you need to attach it to something. Wether it's a rock or wood or mesh, it's up to you.
Hey Brian- Since I have 80$ extra, I might invest in something else. My dad has to approve a second tank in my room, but I though about a snagging a 4g Aquatop cube for PFRS. My baby momma cherry would go in there with the PFRS. I would probably use an azoo palm filter.
You might get hypnotized by the high clarity low iron glass though! Be forewarned, Joey!!! Haha
You might get hypnotized by the high clarity low iron glass though! Be forewarned, Joey!!! Haha

Hahaha that really made me laugh! Aslong as my dad allows me to have two tanks up and running, ill be getting one! ;) I'm not sure how I would scape it though.. Hmmm. Actually! My girlfriend can't use all of her branch wood because its too big, so ill probably steal the other half ;)
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