Josh's journey into planted

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xxwolfpackof1xx said:
this waet needs to boil faster...and if you all dont mind call me josh i like the first name basis alot

IKR!!! You watch the pot it never boils!!! But I guess in this case you should watch it in case of explosions... Hmmm... Well darn.
xxwolfpackof1xx said:
lol *walks away KABOOM* oops il clean that up!

Lol, definitely! Also... One more thing! Don't put the lid on the pot! You don't want any pressure buildup!
im actually dumping water into sink in effort to avoid explosion i also filled sink with almost boiling water so temps are close im also gona let it soak in the hot water for 10min
i believe i have enough for 12 servings needs a pinch of salt though. lol ive been toying with the idea could i do a moss wall?
xxwolfpackof1xx said:
i believe i have enough for 12 servings needs a pinch of salt though. lol ive been toying with the idea could i do a moss wall?

Depends... What type(s) of moss?
xxwolfpackof1xx said:

I bet you could do a java moss wall with the lights you have! It's just kinda hard to get it to carpet though I hear. So I'm not sure how it'd work.
i dont mind dosing ferts buy this would be an rcs or crs only tank and itd be a breeding colony so all copper must be avoided!
Cool, hey, is there any chance you could hide the bubbler thing? Other then that, I like it!
Homedog98 said:
Cool, hey, is there any chance you could hide the bubbler thing? Other then that, I like it!

Or lower the heater? Maybe hide parts of it behind the big rocks ? Also a good background will make what's in your tank pop out. :) just my suggestions. It's all up to you :)
xxwolfpackof1xx said:
my job starts July 11 so past then.or mabye this week if my mom gives me $10

I can give you some trimmings(star grass and ludwigia repens) 2 weeks from now.
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