Juli Cory Questions

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 19, 2005
Los Angeles
I bought 2 of them about three weeks ago, at the time there were only very little difference in sizes but now one has got 2 to 3 times as big as the other. does anyone know why?, could it be pregnant or male/female are bigger than other? one is more active than the other and thus to me probably get more food.
Not unusual at all. Chances are that you have a runt and often they are slow to mature and they are not aggressive eaters. He should be fine, just a tad smaller than the others.
Jchillin said:
Not unusual at all. Chances are that you have a runt and often they are slow to mature and they are not aggressive eaters. He should be fine, just a tad smaller than the others.
i agree and also suggest you get a few more, they are schooling fish and will only truly feel safe and act "normal" in a group.
more cories or more of the same kind of cories? how many more so they feel good but not overstocking my plants of stocking
Cories like to be in schools of four, five or more (if possible). Some people say their different types of Cories won't shoal together - some people say will. I have three different types of Cories in my tank and they do stay pretty close together. I would try not to have just one of a certain type and would probably suggest that you have all the same type just to make sure they will school together.

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