Just bought a new tank!

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Apr 20, 2007
Miami, FL
I went to my LFS yesterday and purchased a AGA 75Ga with built in overflows. This is my dilema. I currently have a 75 that is running a wetdry and skimmer. I dont know how im going to cycle the new tank without a filter? I was thinking of buying a small 20 ga fish tank and putting my live stock in there until my tank cycles. The thing is that i have all these fish and i dont know if they are going to get along? Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated.
You can probably move everything over and not see a cycle, since you will be using seeded rock and substrate. I would just have some PWC on stand by and check water levels.
I was thinking of filling it with fresh RO/DI water to make sure there is nothing coming over from the old tank. Would that be an issue?
You could do that, remember, most of the beneficial bacteria will reside in the rock, filter media, substrate and other things it can cling to. Also, make sure your parameters are the same in both tanks: heat, pH, otherwise you will have to acclimate them.
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