Just bought this. Stay tuned...

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
needmorecowbell said:
I think the ai's are great, just wish they were cheaper. They're just like the mp powerheads.

I agree it's a bday gift from the wife. It's probably way way overboard though. An AI tech recommends not exceeding 20% on whites blues he said can go up to 25-30% and royals no more then 35-40% seems like a lot of money for not even using half the light power.

But I like the fact that it will ramp up and down, do cloud cover and thunderstorm. I don't like the mount it comes either. Lots have complained that the arm is too short and they had to mount it on the inside of the chamber. I'll figure something out.

Also the wireless controller is not available yet. So I have to go with the wired one.

What sold me since I already have the SOL BLUE is the set it and forget it. Timers set and I'm done and I'll get my moonlights back!

So that's the light, should have it Saturday or sooner!!
Light is ordered from AquaCave they had a killer deal going.

Here are some updated pics. Still no live stock yet.




Sorry for the doubles. Not sure what happened.



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What do you screw those par 38s
Into?? I would love to get some to supplement my light! And how much spread?
crister13 said:
What do you screw those par 38s
Into?? I would love to get some to supplement my light! And how much spread?

Par38's at least the one I ordered was horrible for my tank. It made it look pink or red!! Returned it. It was the tri color one from ecoxotic and it just screws into any light fixture. I had bought a utility light fixture (black) and it clamped onto the back of the tank. But I really didn't like it.

I went with the AI Nano Super Blue and the controller.
Thartsockpg said:
Pics of the ai

Ordered. Should be here next week. Can't wait! AquaCave was having a 10% off the light so it was 269.99 and the controller was 59.99.

It's actually a deal believe it or not.
Thartsockpg said:
Yea normally at my LFS its like 350. The normal one is 500

Yea they rob ya! I called the company (AI) they told me LFS's can sell them for whatever they want 5,6,7 hundred dollars just can't sell under 299.99. It's a joke. Thank you AquaCave!
Thread has died a bit due to me lol. I have more corals coming today from reefs2go an will take updated pics.

It's just been slow going because I've been busy with other things.

Also if anyone has the answer. I read on many articles that a tank this small there is no reason to dose?

Of course I test and everything is good other then salinity. I have to top off everyday to keep salinity stable at 1.025.
It's an 8 gallon right? In a tank that small you shouldn't have to be dosing much of anything really. All of the necessary elements needed shouldn't be added when you perform your routine water changes.
Huffers said:
It's an 8 gallon right? In a tank that small you shouldn't have to be dosing much of anything really. All of the necessary elements needed shouldn't be added when you perform your routine water changes.

Yes 8 gallon and I do weekly water changes of about 3-4 gallons. I change the filter floss 3x's a week as I see it getting brown a lot faster. So I wanna keep it as clean as I can.

That's cool then... I worries I'd have to do stuff. Maybe later down the road when the corals take off, if they do. I'm starting out slow and real small. Little frags from the 9.99 sale from reefs2go. A lot of mushrooms, ricordias and I got a toadstool, oh and a sand bed of zoas.
That sounds great! Only thing I would say is that weekly water changes of 3-4 gallons is too much. With that amount you would be changing out more than 50% of your total water volume. Only something is wrong with your tank (high ammonia, nitrites, etc.) you really only need to do a 10-15% water change. Remember corals crave stability so the more stable you can keep your water the better.
Huffers said:
That sounds great! Only thing I would say is that weekly water changes of 3-4 gallons is too much. With that amount you would be changing out more than 50% of your total water volume. Only something is wrong with your tank (high ammonia, nitrites, etc.) you really only need to do a 10-15% water change. Remember corals crave stability so the more stable you can keep your water the better.

Even better! Thank you. 10-15% I can live with that :)
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