Just found this.

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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Crystal A

Aquarium Advice Addict
Apr 11, 2012
Hi searching around the forum and I found this section. Never knew it was here. Well I'm in Ontario just outside if Toronto and I am a saltwater hobbyist. Used to do the FW thing but was converted over to the other side. :) here is a pic of my tank and if any other fellow Canadians would like to share there stories that would be great.


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Great tank!

I'm Canadian too, over on the left coast, near Vancouver.
We've had tanks for a while, but I'm finally building one to suit me, instead of our kid :)

well, a belated welcome to the forum:p(he says,hoping this is in member intros but too lazy to check). and im canadian to:) just outside of windsor
My kid says that your hardscape/coral looks like a cross between Darth Vader, Yoda, a muscle man and a frog ;).
Me, I just noticed the pretty fish!

Wow got some replys. I noticed that this section Hasent been used for a while so I thought I would liven it up a bit. :)
im from canada too!

hey everyone,

im from pembroke ON canada sorry i am being so specific!!:ROFLMAO:
i have a 14 gal aquarium and so far i only have 2 clowns,a candy lactus anemone,a black and orange star fish,ten mini crabs and a hole pile of live rock!!!im glad i found this site!!! :lol:(y)

tia:fish2::fish1:this is my aquarium:

p.s it might not come up cuz the last time i tried it did not but i will try again!
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