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Aquarium Advice Regular
Apr 23, 2012
What can be put in with these guys?


I just got it a week ago, it's in a 20g long
Tank with two pinguin 200 biowheels on it. I have had the tank running with good number for six months before getting him. Looking to maybe add something to the tank with him. I'm up for anything, maybe something different. Any ideas would be great!
It was listed as a neon red lobster in the store
Anything? Just looking for something else to add, maybe school or colony of some type. Something that couldn't and wouldn't to hurt the lobster. Thanks!
Your best bet is a school of very fast moving fish, like neon tetras and danios. However, you'll have to deal with the fact that every once in a while a fish or two might get picked off by the lobster. At work, we have one neon red who doesn't touch any fish no matter what he's with, but the other (separate tank) eats every fish, fast, slow, small or large that enters his tank. So it depends on the individual I guess! Trial and error is probably your best bet. But no small peaceful fish should pose any threat to the lobster, even when he's molting.
Thank you. Would the lobster eat cherry shrimp? Or is that just kinda trail and error type thing? I'm
Fine if he picks one off but just don't want anything that would harm him when molts
Haha ok. I kinda thought so. Never hurts to ask tho lol
What would be some good peaceful schooling fish? And how many would you group in?
Neon tetras, cardinal tetras, Any kind of danio, rummynose tetras, glow light tetras, any rasbora... Anything small and slender (they're faster and generally occupy the upper region of the tank). And in a 20 long, you could probably put 12 or so, with ample filtration.

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