Just some questions...

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 19, 2011
Cape Coral, Florida
So, I am fairly new to having an aquarium. As of right now I have a 10 gallon with 1 Mickey Mouse Platy, 1 White Skirt Tetra and 1 Ghost Shrimp. I was thinking of moving up to maybe a 29-30 gallon. I just have a question about some things:

First of all, if I get maybe a couple pairs of the same fish, different gender, and they get it on and make fry, and don't eat their fry, will my tank be overpopulated? I was thinking of maybe letting them run the tank naturally and how they do it in nature, maybe separating a few fry to have some left over if they do start eating them. Will this work out? Wonder if I get some plants to make them feel more at home? Will the plants make my tank dirty? I love fish, and would love to get more involved then just a 10 gallon tank with fake plants lol Any help would be greatly appreciated :)
Depends on the stocking of the tank etc. Live bearers like you platy will reproduce if you have some cover chances are good some will survive. The egg layers like the the tetra you have it is quite difficult for any fry to survive in the enclosed space of a community tank.
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