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Aquarium Advice Freak
Dec 9, 2011
Used 10 teaspoons of kalk to 5 gallons of top off water ( tank evaporates about 5 to 6 gallons a week. So far it hasn't raised my ph at all. Does that mean its not strong enough?
Do you have a open top or is it covered? is your house very well insulated? I had the same issue so I put my air intake for my skimmer right by a drafty window and took my glass top off, and my ph went from a 7.7(night)-7.9(day), to 8.0(night)-8.2(day). I also keep my fuge lights on opposite cycle of dt. What are your parameters? 2 tsp a gal is saturated kalk and no more will disolve.
crzytrace said:
Do you have a open top or is it covered? is your house very well insulated? I had the same issue so I put my air intake for my skimmer right by a drafty window and took my glass top off, and my ph went from a 7.7(night)-7.9(day), to 8.0(night)-8.2(day). I also keep my fuge lights on opposite cycle of dt. What are your parameters? 2 tsp a gal is saturated kalk and no more will disolve.

Ok I have no top on tank house is insulated. Does it take a while to come up from kalk? It's come up a few points. Thx for info
crzytrace said:
Do you have a open top or is it covered? is your house very well insulated? I had the same issue so I put my air intake for my skimmer right by a drafty window and took my glass top off, and my ph went from a 7.7(night)-7.9(day), to 8.0(night)-8.2(day). I also keep my fuge lights on opposite cycle of dt. What are your parameters? 2 tsp a gal is saturated kalk and no more will disolve.

I have no lids. Does it take awhile for ph to rise. It has come up about .3 thx for info
ph should be at its peak during your peak lighting hours, rising when your lights go on, and falling when they shut off. I drip kalk overnight to help keep it stable overnight at about 8.2 . the spike from kalk is usually pretty quick. I like to keep a slow steady drip, it takes about 9hrs for a gallon, at least on my tank-a 55g. dont drip too fast or you will get a big spike. if you dont notice a ph increase look for other causes,such as excess carbon dioxide in your home, or low alkalinity. i dont really concern myself with ph other than letting the tank decide where it wants to be and help it stay there. the main reason I drip kalk is to help with my calcium and alkalinity.
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