Kalkwasser mixing?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 10, 2002
Pittsburgh, PA
Can anyone direct me to where I can find information on how to mix and dose kalkwasser? I've read the forums and it seems everyone uses Mrs. Wages pickling mix. I would like to know how to properly mix and use this mixture.
well for my 90 i have 2 milk jugs which i add one tsp of kalk mix and let sit !! next day i use one jug and syphon the clear water out into a bucket !! my tank loses a 2 gallon a day so i mix a fresh gallon to my kalk mix !! then i use an airline and syphon the water into my sump (when light are off) !! every three days ill clean the jug but other than that i leave the old kalk in and just add 1 tps and im done !!!
oppps ya need to test ya ca !! lets say it reads 300 !! add alittle kalk and test the next day and keep at it till ya reach 400-450 !! once ya reach the 400 mark wait a day or two and test again and see how much you lost !! then ya cantell how much ya should add !!! my thoughts though as long as ya have enough using ca then all evaporated water with kalk would prob do ya good !!! just test !! if ya see it snowing ya added to much hehehehehe
My tank only evaporates about a gallon a week. Does that mean I wait till the end of the week and mix enough to refill the tank or do I add a little bit every night. I plan to use a kent marine IV aqua doser.

If I mix a gallon and only use half of it how long will the remainder mixed kalk. be good? Can you save this or do you just dispose it?

its good for a week from what ive read !!! i would test ca and then add 1/4 gallon and then test and see what it brought ya ca up to !! then ya know if ya need more less or if your good !! i would add daily !! waiting a week to add fresh water once a week isnt a good idea at the least every other day !!
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