Keeping Cichlids

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 28, 2004
St. Louis
Has anyone ever heard of keeping a frontosa with a couple of blue rams? I'm not going to put these together but I know someone who has, but I have never seen them together.
That is absolety frivilous! Other than the fact that thye need differnt water conditions diffeent diets, and are from different haitats, and have difffernt levels of aggresiion. Frontosa can swallow a 3" fish also.
In the end it would never work out. Tell your the person to get the blue rams out now!!!!

I'll agree with fishlover...

But, if it did work, that would be rather pretty to look at. With the blues of the fronts and the gold/red/blue of the rams. Too bad it wouldn't work in the long run.
JMO here. I've found the frontosa to adapt easily to any water conditions. Most of the frontosa I've seen for sale are very small and grow rather slowly. I think they might actually be compatible tankmates until the size differential takes over. In the long run however, it's not a good idea to mix these two species.
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