Keeping fish healthy during vacation

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 7, 2016
I have a 10 gallon tank with 1 male betta and 2 otos. I'll be on a 5-day vacation next week and would like to keep my fish healthy when I'm away.

My otos seem to ignore the algae wafers (or maybe i still have some invisible algae in my tank).

I have read negative reviews about vacation feeders, weekend feeders, even automatic feeders so I'm not sure if i should use them or not.

Thank you

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Healthy well fed fish should be fine for 3-5 days w/o food. If just a weekend I dont worrie about it, if a week I use one of those dissolving weekend feeders. You also only have 3 fish in a 10g. I'd just use one of those weekend feeders for the betta and leave some veggie for the otto's.
Healthy well fed fish should be fine for 3-5 days w/o food. If just a weekend I dont worrie about it, if a week I use one of those dissolving weekend feeders. You also only have 3 fish in a 10g. I'd just use one of those weekend feeders for the betta and leave some veggie for the otto's.

I see. Thank you. About the veggie for the ottos, i heard that im supposed to take it out after 1-2 days. Is it ok for me to leave it in the tank for a whole week?

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You'll be fine. I have left my aquariums for a week to go on a cruise. I have mostly carnivore fish and turtles and I just did a regular feeding session and water change right before I left. Plus you always have algae in tanks; the ottos will be fine. Trust me
You'll be fine. I have left my aquariums for a week to go on a cruise. I have mostly carnivore fish and turtles and I just did a regular feeding session and water change right before I left. Plus you always have algae in tanks; the ottos will be fine. Trust me

Thank you for your advice. The tank looks clean so i was not sure if there was enough algae or not.

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This topic pops up occasionally. Fish can do fine without food for days and even a couple of weeks. I personally much rather not feed them for a week than have someone not experienced dump a bunch of food and mess the tank. Matter of fact, I'm enjoying the sun and beach in a tropical island as I write this away from home, it will be a whole week by the time I get back.

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This topic pops up occasionally. Fish can do fine without food for days and even a couple of weeks. I personally much rather not feed them for a week than have someone not experienced dump a bunch of food and mess the tank. Matter of fact, I'm enjoying the sun and beach in a tropical island as I write this away from home, it will be a whole week by the time I get back.

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That is great news. This has been stressing me out. So should i not put in one of those dissolving tablets at all?

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Don't use those dissolving pellets. They will drive up the hardness of the water considerably. I don't know why they even sell them. Automatic feeders are great - I've used several by Eheim with great results. On the other hand, the fish will be fine for at least several days without being fed.
Don't use those dissolving pellets. They will drive up the hardness of the water considerably. I don't know why they even sell them. Automatic feeders are great - I've used several by Eheim with great results. On the other hand, the fish will be fine for at least several days without being fed.

Thank you for your information. I'll try to find a suitable automatic feeder. I dont want to overfeed my betta and most feeder releases too much food even with the lowest setting. Do you have any recommendations?

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