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Aquarium Advice Freak
Apr 16, 2012
What are Kenyi cichlids I've been seeing videos of them on the internet and they look pretty nice.. So my question is can they go in a 55 gallon African cichlid tank? If so how many should I get if I decide to get them?
Fishguy1997 said:
What are Kenyi cichlids I've been seeing videos of them on the internet and they look pretty nice.. So my question is can they go in a 55 gallon African cichlid tank? If so how many should I get if I decide to get them?

I have a kenyi cichlid with my far one of my fav fish!
I put 6 in mine. 13 fish total. I over filter though. My Two emperor 280 are capable of filtering around 100 gal. they're doing great.
i have a male kenyi, hes a but smaller than my others, but he holds his ground. they are a great fish, and they have some great color to them.
Yes definately hold their own. They keep my johanni in line easily. Make sure your other africans are on the more agressive side of the spectrum, as cichlids go. What else do you have?
Fishguy1997 said:
I have a peacock, 4 electric yellows, 2 aceis and 1 pictus cat

Mine is mean as all get out!!!! I would get a small one. I know it's compatible with all of them except the peacock and pictus catfish because I don't know a lot about them. Cool fish though!!
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