Kinky Cory

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 11, 2002
A while back I had a bout of fungus which got one of my Corys tails quite badly. At the time, he seemed to get a kink in his back end which I thought was due to him overcompensating for the lack of half a tail.

His tail has now grown back, but he still has quite a noticeable kink. He seems healthy (fungus free since before Christmas) but I'm just wondering why he's still like this. Is it possible something else is wrong with him?

Any ideas/reassurance gratefully welcomed!
Awhile back I had a Buenes Aries Tetra that developed a kink or bulge near the dorsal line between the tail and torso. It kept getting larger and eventually reduced it's ability to swim. He died several weeks later. I could find no treatment for it and a local vet said it was most likely a tumor.
Ouch, doesn't sound good. Well it doesn't seem to be getting worse & he doesn't seem distressed, guess I'll just keep my fingers crossed!
Ok, I'm guessing it was part of the healing process, rather like a scar. Is the kink towards the tail, or more towards the dorsal fin? Many fish keep a fat reserve near the dorsal fin, he may have had to use it up to fight off the disease and grow the tail back. Please don't take this answer as gospel truth, because I'm very unsure of it, just giving it my best shot.

The most important thing is he's healthy again. :D

Make sure some food is making it down to him (I like shrimp pellets for my cories, as the flake rarely makes it to the bottom), sounds like he might need some extra nutrition to fully recover.

Good Luck!
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