Kribensis with an inflamation or ????

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Oct 28, 2002
Vancouver, BC.
I have a male Pelvachromis Pulcher (Kribensis), that ran into a battle with fungus. Last night I treated it with Jungle Laboratories FUNGUS ELIMINATOR and today the fungus has gone, leaving some "raw" patches (kinda gross).

I plan on leaving the fish in the medication for the next few days (up to a week) just to make sure that I am thorough. I have read on the internet that these fungal infections are usually caused by some other issue.

I have noticed that his face and belly are red (inflammed). {See attached pic.}
The Kribs just had babies, and I have read that sometimes they rub themselves raw while clearing out a "nesting area".

Could it be this or maybe it was a bacterial infection that started the whole cycle ?

I have read that after the fungus treatment, I should use a topical antibiotic on the "raw areas". But I have also read that fish with inflamation should be dipped into an antibiotic solution.

My questions are...
:?: Is it a bacterial infection?
:?: Is there something else that I should be doing as well as, or instead of, this fungus treatment / antibiotic dip :?:
:x Fat chance on anyone being interested in helping here. Hrmmmph! What's with this msg board?! Good luck with mr fish:(
It could be started by the bacteria or an initial abrasion. Tough call. After the treatment, I think I would treat with the antibacterial dip and isolate the fish and treat him with anti-bacterial food also. Good luck.
I have noticed that his face and belly are red (inflammed). {See attached pic.}
The Kribs just had babies, and I have read that sometimes they rub themselves raw while clearing out a "nesting area".

I'm thinking this is likely the cause of the abrasions, but can't be sure.

I only say this from fishing experience where Bass and Sunfish get really raw while biulding/guarding their nests. However, with them, its usually around the face and tail.

This may or may not have anything to do with your Krib, but it's the best I've got.


Fat chance on anyone being interested in helping here. Hrmmmph! What's with this msg board?! Good luck with mr fish:(

Don't know whats up with that, but I suggest if you dont have an answer for someone, you not judge the rest of us. :evil: :evil: :evil:
Ok. I'll go elsewhere for info. Sorry if you took it the wrong way.
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