Kuhlii Loach

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 13, 2008
Loganville, Georgia
Hey everyone,

Ran across this fish ( Kuhlii Loach )while searching some sights and i like it. Is there anything i should know about them before i get one? Tank size? Tank mates? Tempature? stuff of that sort. Thanks
I was going to get some, but my LFS ran out before I could snag some. I got quite I bit of info for them so i'll see if I can help you out.

For tank mates, pretty much any fish can be with them, well community fish atleast. Like most loaches they are peaceful fish and like I said before can be with almost all fish. Also like most loaches they will be happiest in groups, maybe a trio would be good for a 40 gallon+. They can get up to 4in. but normally smaller in aquariums. They like any temps between 70-78 degress. They can tolerate low temps of 80 for awhile but they won't tolerate it for long.

That help at all?
I find that with loaches you need at least 6 for their behaviours to show the best. They prefer a sand substrate by far, they love to dig and burrow. I have 12 in my 135 gal. They come in a black variant or a striped variant.
good bye snails... A group of loaches will pretty much lay waste to any snail population you may or may not have. I think its great.
I think maybe instead of loaches (even though loaches would be a better idea)

Get like a large school of pygmy cories, that stay super small so you can get a larger number of them and watch them school across the bottom, I thought that would be pretty cool.
I would get cories but i like to get new stuff that looks different from my other fish and i already have cories and i like the loach bc i like everything that is snake lookin. thanks though
The dojos are cool, but they require colder water, so you have less other fish to choice from. Kuhlii like the same temp. as most fish so they are a better choice to me, plus i like the color combinations on the kuhliis better then the dojos
they just dont. i have 20 or so of them. plenty of snails. never seen them once eat a snail. just because its a loach doesnt mean it will eat snails.
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