L046 pleco

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 30, 2012
Can anyone give us some info on this fish as I'm struggling to find any!
Well, most people tend not to buy them as they are still quite rare and if you have no experience with easier plecos , don't get them. they are sold to people who can setup a species tank and buy a breeding group. They least I've seen them go for is £300. I really don't recommend getting them if you know nothing about them, aren't setting up a species tank , or purchasing a breeding group.
Well that's them ruled out straight away then :( haha

I love plecos what's the best one to start off with?
Anything but a common or Sailfin I believe they get HUGE. I personally like the rubber lip pleco, many other people like snow ball, bristle nose and gold nugget
Love the snow ball pleco! How much are they? How big do they get? Are they easy to keep x
Woo we now have a clown pleco.... One problem tho... What do we feed them?
Algae wafers - best dropped in to the tank after you turn the lights off, courgette - mine loves the skin, cucumber and other veg, screwcumbers are handing for feeding them, you can get them on eBay and Amazon. They are one of the most shy Pleco's so don't expect to see it very often compared to a Bristlenose, and A MUST FOR CLOWN PLECO is bogwood or some form of wood - they need wood in there diet to survive.
I hope this pleco isn`t in the 6 gallon tank you posted about in your other thread on the getting started forum. Though clown plecos are one of the smallest plecos getting to be no bigger than 4 inches they should be kept in a tank that is at least 2 feet wide, usually this is about a 20 gallon - dimensions depending. They produce a fair amount of waste so frequent water changes are a must to keep water quality good, another reason a bit bigger of a tank is a good idea.

They are mostly herbivores but do require some meat in their diet, a good quality sinking pellet will do the job. Juveniles will eat more algae from your tank than adults and they like a nice round diet with a lot of `plant`matter. Algae waffers and fresh veggies like cucumber, zucchini, potatoes and lettuce. I`ve heard people that have had good results with apple slices as well. Just be sure you research how to properly prepare each item before feeding. They are nocturnal and you should offer their food at night. The driftwood has also been mentioned.

It`s always best to research a fish before you buy it though to be sure you meet all of it`s needs and that it is a good fit.
I'm sorry but that is completely inappropriate. You need to research your fish and their needs before continuing to buy more fish, that tank was already completely overstocked and several member advised you of this.

You can't simply say it is happy when you don't even know the needs of your fish. Maybe it is happy for now, but what you have set up is not going to work long term and your fish are going to suffer for it.

People that put goldfish in 5 gallon tanks also think there fish is happy until 2-3 years down the road it dies. What in reality they did was shorten their fishes life span by at least 10 years, stunt it's growth and kill it with organ failure because of it. Never giving it a chance to reach it's full potential and live the long healthy life it should.

Please research your fish and what they need and provide it for them or rehome them. The people on this site really care about our fish, we believe they are just as important as any other animal and deserve the best care we can give them. We tell you these things from experience and knowledge and because we honestly care about what is best for the fish. We aren't telling you this to be cruel or mean but you need to realize the care these fish need. A molly, neons and a pleco do not belong in a 6 gallon tank, let alone all at the same time.

I'm sorry I really am not trying to come off as bossy and in the end you will do what you want and I can't change that but reading this is upsetting because I do care so much for my fish. They are no different than my cat, dog or bird and deserve the same dedication and care IMO. Please do some research and really learn about your fish, their habits and needs and then ask yourself if this is where you want to keep them.
Without going off on one, your going to have dead fish. Pleco's have a massive bio load for there size, you will probably do okay for a while but eventually your levels will rise and fish will die. It's going to be a lot of work to keep that tank in good shape with the amount of waste being generated. I would seriously consider buying a bigger tank than new fish.
There's always one person that pipes up negative stuff.
Beginning to dislike this app now...
People are just trying too help you & give good advice. And care about the fishies welfare. That's how we all learn. :)
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