Lauren's Adventure

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 7, 2011
Have kept this tank for nearly 2 years with all the pictured inhabitants for that length of time. I have only ever lost 2 fish in all that time (very lucky- especially living in London with our horrible hard water!) I do a 20% water change religiously every 2 weeks and add tap safe to the new water to remove chemicals. My tank is 60litre with an internal filter. I don't run anything fancy or add anything to my water other than tap safe.

I have to make a confession as well (I didn't check my water parameters after initial cycle until a few months ago when I got my first marine tank. This was purely because I was curious how my tropical tank water quality was and it was spot on in all tests so very happy there although *slap on the wrist* for not testing regularly)

Ok pictures quality is not great as using iPhone and sorry I haven't got one of the whole tank from a distance will upload one later.









Currently stocking includes:
1 blue spot gourami
3 cory catfish
3 zebra danios
5 neon tetras

Sadly I lost my lovely Siamese after keeping him for 18 months. No sign of disease or anything. Looked peaceful. I am planning on changing the tank eventually to a neon tetra and guppy only tank.

And originally I had 4 mollies but one was bullying the other three badly so they went back to the LFS and then the Molly turned on the Siamese who ended that fight fairly quickly so the Molly is the other fish I sadly lost about 4-5 months into my adventure.
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