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Did you rearrange? I have 3 ottos in my aquarium most days I can only locate 1 but occasionally I see 2 on rare occasions I see all three, I did some rearranging today to make my aquarium more appealing to look at and for babies and suddenly tonight I have been enjoying all three of my ottos in plain sight,kinda pushing bedtime because it is such a reassuring feeling.
Did you rearrange? I have 3 ottos in my aquarium most days I can only locate 1 but occasionally I see 2 on rare occasions I see all three, I did some rearranging today to make my aquarium more appealing to look at and for babies and suddenly tonight I have been enjoying all three of my ottos in plain sight,kinda pushing bedtime because it is such a reassuring feeling.

Sadly I lost her. It kinda sucks, she would always come to the front of the tank to greet me, feeding time or not. All of the loaches are here.
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