Let me know if I'm going about this the right way...

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Dec 12, 2010
Orlando, FL
I got home from work, and discovered my flame angel covered in ich and I am missing a chromis. I immediately filled a 10 gallon with tank water and moved an AC50 I had running on the DT to the 10 gallon. I moved the angel over, and will go to the lfs tommorrow morning for a treatment. All other fish currently appear to be fine, but I will monitor them closely, and if any show signs of ich, they will join the angel in the hospital. I am thinking of just getting some fresh RO water and add a little each day to bring the salinity down, but I am not sure of the exact number I am looking for, so if anyone can help me out with that, thank you in advance.
Search Google for a hyposalinity calculator.

Be mindful that both hypo and copper affect the biological filter. And Flames are sensitive to copper.
Going to give Rid*Ich Plus a shot first. It worked great on my Africans (didn't lose a single fish). And going to give my DT a daily pwc for the next week or so to try and get any lingering parasites out. And before anyone asks, 0 ppm on ammonia and nitrites, nitrates are really high at 40 ppm and ph is low at 8. HT is the same right now, but I will monitor that daily seeing as to the fact that it is bare. Like I said before the filter is an AC50 with just a sponge and 5 mangroves pulled straight from the DT, so I hope it carried over enough biological filtration. If not, then it's daily PWC's for that tank, too.


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