Lighting Idea

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 8, 2006
Pullman, WA
As I was reading an different thread, people mentioned they had a break in time midday to help prevent algae. This got me thinking and I'm curious if anyone has tried the following or has any input on it.

The idea is to do 4 3 hour spurts of light with a 1 hour break in between each spurt. I was thinking of times like 8am-11am, break, 12pm-3pm, break, 4pm-7pm, break, 8pm-11pm.

Do you think it would benefit the plants at all? (allowing time for CO2 to build up every few hours and then burning through it?) Would it help lower algae growth? Totally pointless? Negative impact on plants? fish?

Let me know your thoughts!
I've been doing it on my 75G and 29G for 5 months and haven't seen anything that is noticable. When I get out of sync on nutrients, or not enough CO2, the algae still comes back. Personally I feel it's pointless, and am going to reset my timers back to normal, with no breaks. It all boils down to nutrients and CO2.
I've tried the siesta period in the past and saw no noticable affect on plants or algae. I feel that it makes more sense to have one solid lighting period.
I still do the siesta lighting only so I can have more time to look at my tanks when I get home from work. As far as algea control, it has had no effect in my tanks.
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