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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 4, 2002
Looking for a lionfish that stays small. I like the Volitans the best but I've heard they get huge. Any suggestions? Know where I can find pics?

Fu Manchus (Dendrochirus biocellatus) are cool, they only get to about 4"-5", the fuzzy dwarf lion (Dendrochirus brachypterus) get's to about 7". Juat do a google images search useing the Scientific names and you should get plenty of pics.
Thanks for the quick reply. The Fu Manchu looks to be a cool looking fish too! I'll check up on them.

Kevin, Do they still need a large tank for swimming room tho? kind of like a tang. The might be small enuf for a 29 but need the 4' of swimmign room the 55 will offer?

hehe I am interested in one now ;)

Lionfish are prdators, they do not expend their energy swimming to and fro, like a tang or angel or wrasse, etc...They conserve their energy by hanging in one place for long periods waiting for prey to swim by, then......BAM they strike. If fed live feeders (not recommended) you will see their hunting posture. The lions biggest impact on the tank will be on the bioload, they are messy eaters and produce alot of waste. I seem to remember that carnivores seem to produce alot of undigested/partially digested waste, so it's basically like throwing part of the shrimp you fed it, into the tank to rot. The other impact is the one on the small fish and shrimp in your tank.
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