Little bit more aquascaping

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Dec 24, 2012
Ok so I've been staring at my tank and decided to move all my tall hygrophillia to the back for backgrond plant's. On the left I planted some redish hygro that I will keeep trimmed for a foreground midish ground plant. On the right I moved my water sprite forward and trimmed everything. This will give my angels more room. Suggestion's welcomed.

Right side tank 002.jpg
No suggestions, it looks beautiful! I like how you left some space in there - seems like most often planted tanks are jut an explosion of green everywhere. It's nice that your tank has spaces to let the eyes rest
The one golden did once. I just introduced the gold marble male a few weeks ago so I'm hoping they will.
It's looking good James, nice balance! Have you tried just a solid black background before?
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