Local Breeders?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Mar 6, 2006
hey all, i looked all over the net to see if i can find a list of local breeders to nyc. wasnt lucky though. i was thinking of starting a list of breeders and what they have in stock to support them. i have a couple of breeders that i am contacting to see if they would like to join the list.

REMEMBER, ask/contact breeder first before posting. we dont need unsolicited email/phone calls.

now heres one:

contact: alexkoro@hotmail.com
in-stock: juvvy angels, silver w/ black stripes
soon: blue? guppies (still in fry form)
bg info: breeds angels recreationally, great guy. said you can contact him for advice/tips on planted tanks and angel/guppy care.

(btw: please tell me there is a discus, silver dollar, german ram, pearl/koi angel breeders out there!)
You are from NY right? Why not attend the next meeting of the Greater City Aquarium Society? The membership includes a number of breeders from exotic SA cichlids (including Discus) to ARLC. The meeting is held the first Wednesday of each month at 7:30 pm.

Queens Botanical Garden
Main St. and Dahlia Av.
Queens, NY

You'll be glad you did.
would love to meet my fellow aquarists (sp?) but unfortunately i work 4p-12a M-F =/. I was actually off on the last one you had but i didnt know about it until a day after. heh. when i saw the posts about plants and koi angels going for peanuts i seriously considered taking off on those wednesdays.

hopefully i can jump on one sometime. thanks!
For discus: Mark Rubanow 516-939-0267. He does mostly importing but also has quite a few home bred.
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