looking for a pentax k1000 SLR camera

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mr funktastic

Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 14, 2005
alliston, ON
i used this camera in a photography course in highschool and would love to pick one up. i have been to some camera stores but they all want like 400 dollars for this camera. i also found alot on ebay for around 25 to 100 dollars. i was hoping one of the members might have one of these that they would like to part with for a decent price. it is a long shot but it doesnt hurt to ask.
I have one and I love it. I am sorry to say that I am not quite ready to part with it but you could try pawn shops and garage sales. I know they are long shots too but my photography teacher had an amazing collection of cameras of all ages. He said he bought most of them at pawn shops and garage sales. You may want to try some photography forums as well. I hope you find your camera. Good luck!!!!!
thanks for rubbing it in that u have one!!! lol jk i have found a few on ebay that look like a good deal. i will post if i find one. thanks for the encouragment
Keep us posted, hopefully your search is sucessful. Sometimes it is nice to use a completely manual camera. Good luck!
i have taken some really nice pictures with that camera. manual is the only way to go. here is a pic that i took with it. we only did black and white photography in class because of the developing (colour is way to hard and more expensive. and i took a picture of the picture lol becasue i didnt have a scanner


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I miss photography. I took B&W in high school and in college but unfortunately I don't have access to a dark room right now. I really miss the developing process. BTW, that's a really good pic. one of my favorite subjects was my dog as well. I love the way their personalities come out in the photos.
i love depth i phoographs. as u can see this is a foreground pic and i think that really adds to it. there is nothing else to draw your eyes away from the main subject (the dog) but still enough detail to make the picture not seem empty. here is another pic and the first time ever trying to take a pic of my aquarium. it was supposed to be of a mickeymouse platy but he decide to swim away and he was out of focus. but i tried!! lol


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i bought one!! i got it on ebay for 95 bucks with shipping. i am soo excited and cant wait till it gets here. i will post a pic of my camera when i get it lol.
Congrats on the new camera! I hope it works out well for you. I love my k1000 as well. Manual really is the way to go in my opinion.
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