Looking for Monster Fish For Free in LA area-fresh water

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 22, 2009
Los Angeles
Hi - I always hear of people that have fish that they no longer can keep due to the size of the fish. I have a very large pond in the Los Angeles area that I am turning into a tropical fish pond. I have already started with a pleco. So, I am looking for people who want to get rid of their red tailed catfish, giant gouramis, etc. I contacted my local fish store, but I don't think he really understands that I am not interested in purchasing these fish that people want to unload, he said he will take them and bring them in the store and then I can get them from him, I am doing this only for free. I am only hoping to help those that have no other choice. I hate to have fish suffer, if I am willing to help. If anyone in LA area is desperate, let me know - I can help for now. March/April 2009. By June I should be fully stocked, so no need anymore, unless I re-post.
Free Giant Fish

I have a 18 inch Red Belly Pacu that I would gladly give you for free
Email me at Riff7400@aol.com So I can give you the Details.

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