Looking for recommendations for fish/plants

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 9, 2003
Columbus Ohio USA
The theme of my tank is South America, though I'm really tempted to set one up with a theme of North America trashed stream which would have plastic bottles, aluminun cans, tires, that type of junk but I digress.

I saw a multi 100 gallon tank at the LFS which I would die for on the same theme. Of course my tank lacks in comparison. Some of the fish in the tank I liked, some I didn't.

I have trouble with live plants so keep that in mind.

I've decided to redesign the tank. I've ordered a lot of drift wood of different sizes. Not sure if I'll leave the chunks of limestone in the tank or not. I want to get some large river stones. Java moss will be essential as well.

I'm looking for ideas for fish and other extremely low light level plants to add. I have an angel, neon tetras, red tetras, and plecos. Not too keen on the neons but such is life. People might think it's crazy but I wouldn't mind mixing live and plastic plants, so plastic plants might be an option for plants that require more light than I'm willing to allow.

So anyone have ideas to offer up?
Instead of plastic plant check out the silk plants, they look more realistic. As far as a live plant that doesn't need extreme light that I've had success with...the Anabus. Mine does great and I don't have special lighting, just a Triton Bulbs and I don't give it special care.
do you mean south america?

i would suggest removing the limestone as it will raise your ph, something you definately don't want with your sa's.
i was wondering if you mean North America you mea Us & Canadian, type setting or like Tyler said SA,
what kind of fish are you thinking of putting in there, Cichlids?

If thats the case I would say that Anubias would be a good way to go,
like it about 72º - 82º F pH 6.0 - 7.5

Microsorium Pteropus (Java fern), I don't have any of these but yet heard they are well suited for Cichlid Aquriums.
very low light plants 30 watts for 25 gallons, temps between to 68º - 82º F pH 5.5 - 7.5

Vesicularia Dubyana (Java moss) I don't know much can't get it here, but
its wild in malaya so could be good in a Cichlid tank, very low lighting you'll get on with 1 watt per gallon. 68º - 86º F pH 5.8 - 7.5

I hope this helps and correct me if i'm wrong.

PS, going to the lsf tommorow again to check out some new stock may try to find some of these for my tank lol. :wink:
Yep I meant South America.

what kind of fish are you thinking of putting in there, Cichlids?

My understanding is that Cichlids are more of an agressive fish. Is that the case. I thought I tried a cichlid with a couple angels in college and the cichlid tormented the angels. I definitely want long veiled Angels. I walked the isle at the LFS which had the South American fish. I did see cichlids and tetras. Wouldn't mind having the cichlids if they aren't agressive.

I don't what Anubias is. I'll have to look on the web for it.

would suggest removing the limestone as it will raise your ph, something you definately don't want with your sa's.

Not sure what you mean by sa's unless you mean the south american theme. I agree with removing the limestone for a couple reasons. The limestone looked nice but it doesn't fit in the SA theme. Leeching is another good reason. I thought I had a problem with it when I saw the water PH level at 7.4 but I tested the tap and found it to be the same. Still best not to take any chances, though I''ve been using them in the tank for the last 8 years.
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