Looking For Some Red

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Aquarium Advice Freak
May 18, 2009
Miami, FL
So I've been setting up a nice little all-male Hap and Peacock tank in my 55 gallon, and after some very careful trial and error with different tankmates, I'm really starting to get a nice community feel going. Everyone's getting along just fine, and I'm really happy with the fish!

I've got a good portion of the color spectrum represented in there (blue, yellow, orange, white, pink, even something kind of purplish), but the one color that eludes me is red.

I've been trying to track down a nice Rubin Red Peacock (or any other reddish colored hap or peacock really), but to no avail. Does anyone know of any nice red looking fish that would be able to hold its own in a Hap and Peacock community tank? I'm alright with adding a non-cichlid fish in there (as long as it's compatible).

Oh and this should probably go without saying, but Red Zebras and Red Terrors are absolutely out of the question (I've actually had less than knowledgable salespersons recommend those, luckily I had done quite a bit of research beforehand though so I knew that wouldn't work).
Haps have no business in a 55g tank so I'd lean towards peacocks, there's strawberry, dragon blood, ruby reds, german reds and the list goes on basically different color variations of the same fish Aulonocara Sp.
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how about a rainbow shark? there black with red fins.you could do an albino rainbow shark instead,there white with red fins. and redtail sharks are black with a red tail.you could only have 1 of these,seeing as they hate anything that looks even remotely like tham.
Thanks for the suggestions! Especially those Peacocks. I know that the common names for Peacocks are kind of arbitrary, but it always helps to have something specific to ask for when calling up the shops lol.

Anyone else got some suggestions? I'm pretty open.
Check out the german peacocks, the rubin red peacock is nice!! I have one in my 55 and he adds great colors with his red with a little hint of blue and white
Yea I've been trying to find a Rubin's Red, but as of yet I've had no luck. I've got the good fortune of living in an area with quite a few Cichlid fish farms (South Florida), and for whatever reason none of the places I've gone to have had them.

One of the lfs is supposedly getting some on Tuesday, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed =)
I have a male ruby red peacock available, close to 3" now. Here's a bad pic, he actually looks better:
Nice fish! To be perfectly honest though, I'd rather try to buy locally first, just so I could save on the shipping.

Thanks for the offer though!
I found a Ruby Red! He's a actually a good deal brighter than he looks here, he was really stressed from the transportation (the store was about an hour and a half from my house). He's acclimating now =)


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