Looking to stock a 29 gallon tank

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 18, 2014
Please some one give me ideas on what to put in it. Like a number of each fish would be great thanks a lot everybody
AqAdvisor - Intelligent Freshwater Tropical Fish Aquarium Stocking Calculator and Aquarium Tank/Filter Advisor if you have any ideas of stocking, then ask for final advice.

In my 29g I mixed tetra neon 6+ school, tetra cardinalis 6+ school, rummynose tetra 8+ school, and corydoras panda 6+ school. Shrimps and snails fits with thoses fishs, and are plant compatible. I just give you an example. Or you can go with some small cichlids....

What's your tap water hardness ? (KH and GH) You can choose your fishs according to theses parameters for optimal fish thrive.
If I wanna get blue rams what can i can i put with them to make it look awesome
If I wanna get blue rams what can i can i put with them to make it look awesome

Live plants and a dark substrate with some driftwood that they can poke around and explore. Apistogramma cacatuoides is another fun alternative to rams and would do best in very similar conditions. A nice sized school of rummynose or cardinal tetras, school of panda cories, and 1-2 rams or apistogramma cacatuoides would look great.
That actually sounds awesome could the asqu fish thing go with the rams
I'm just wondering, would 5 Kuhlis, 2 GBR, and a SA bumblebee cat be too much for a 29g (I may be setting one up soon)
For the rams, in a 29g you'd have to do one or the other type, and only one pair no matter what. They should work w/ the angel, but i would only one angel in a 29g
You can quick check on aqadvisor.com... It give great advice, if you find something interesting post here, "people intelligence" will tell you better final advice than "artificial intelligence"
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