Lost 2 fish today Discus O.K. ?

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Logan Zoo

Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 9, 2004
Thanks in advance for your help.
2 weeks ago we converted our 25 gal. planted tank that had 3 small Discus ( 1 added 6 weeks before, 2 added 1 week before ) to a 65 gal. planted tank. Also in tank at that time 1 Red Tailed Shark, 1 Beta, 1 small Loach. The Loach disappeared 2 days after we changed tanks. We have vacuumed gravel and moved all rocks etc. and no Loach. I have been testing the water every 2-3 days. 4 days ago we added 8 Neon Tetras one died the next day. 2 days ago I did a 20% water change. Water tested 0 Ammonia, 0 Nitrites, 35 ppm KH, 35 ppm GH, 7.2 PH. Water is crystal clear. Today the Betta and Shark were dead. The Betta was in bad shape but the Shark looked like it had just died, no bloating, gill disorders, minimal discoloration. The Discus and Neons are happy and the water tested the same as described. We are going out of town tomorrow through Sunday. I am afraid of coming home to a dead tank. The Shark was a only a year or so old. How do you loose a Betta and a Shark in 1 day and the Discus are fine?
Welcome to AA, Fellow Virginian!!:mrgreen:

If all of the parameters test okay and you have not made any changes in your maintenance routine, for example, I would not worry while you are out of town, because even if you are home there is probably not a lot you can do when it comes to mysterious fish death. In the abscence of a specific "problem" there is nothing to treat. You are not going away for a very long time, so if this was a fluke the fish will be fine while you are gone.

BrianNY may step in here, as the discus expert, but I think that 25 gallon tank is not going to be the best place for 3 discus in the long term - they'll need more room. Definitely don't add any more fish for now, and you may find that a 55gal might be in your future.
Thanks for the welcome!
I do not have a test kit for Nitrates. TankGirl you were close we went up to a 65 gal. tank. It all started when our LFS had a one day half price sale on all FW fish............. I am going to take your advice and do nothing at this time. They were happy and colorful this morning. I called my LFS and they suggested treating the tank with half doses of meds but I am reluctant to put anything in the tank without a clue what I am trying to treat.
Thanks for your help. We are in Lynchburg, I will join the Regional Forum.
don't worry kevin/karen... :)
fishes go through some amount of stress during a move...though not apparent, its enough to just tip the balance...
the rts and the betta could have succumbed to this kind of moving stress...
neons are by nature fragile fishes...so losing a few in the beginning is ok...
i second TG...nothing to worry about...and u r right not to treat a tank based on assumptions that have no solid base....
good luck...
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