Lots of questions about planted tanks

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Feb 16, 2005
Ok, rather than make lots of threads, i'll just condense it all in to one. here we go...

1) I just started to go planted with some java fern, cabomba and anubias nana...and i'm leaving my light on (20w flourescent over a 20L tank) about 8-10, maybe even 12 hours a day, depending how late i get home from work or school. The glass is starting to grow this little clear algae looking thing. It's just a bunch of little clear things stuck on the glass. the leaves on the anubias are also becoming covered with brown algae. what can i buy that will help clear the algae away? I used the magnetic cleaner over the weekend on the glass, but if I can get a fish that'll clean the glass and plants for me then that's better. I currently have 4 blue rams, 2 angel rams, and 3 panda cory's. What and how much should I get so I don't overload my tank?

2) Right now I have an inch to an inch and a half of gravel on the bottom. The bag describes it as "Pearl Beach Large Pebble". I want to go heavily planted, and i'm thinking of using plant substrate. How do I change out the gravel for the new substrate? I have no other place to temporarily house my fish, so I would need to change it out with the fish in the tank, if that's even possible without harming them. If it's possible to do it, and do it safely, I would just go 100% plant substrate. If not, could I just add an inch or so of substrate right over the gravel I have right now? Would that affect the way the plants root? What is the best option?

3) I think i want to eventually use Riccia as groundcover. My lfs has it in a display tank and it's beautiful. I'm about to buy a Coralife 65W pc and a Hagen CO2 kit. Will this combo be sufficient to grow the Riccia out, as well as most fw plants?

I would appreciate any information you guys have to offer. I would like to take my time and do everything right once. I started this tank wanting to just keep it simple, but since finding this site i noticed my wallet getting lighter. :D It's all good though, i'm learning a lot and haven't been this excited about my fish tank since i got my first one 17 years ago.
1) How about 2-3 otocinclus catfish? www.otocinclus.com (Also has an algae article/pictorial)

2) http://www.aquariumadvice.com/showquestion.php?faq=2&fldAuto=27

3) From profiles +3wpg is good. Consider 2*2L CO2 canister+Hagen bubble ladder. FWIW it gives me ~25ppm w/kH >5 in a ~18g system with: 2 cups sugar, 1 tsp yeast, 10 day changes w/ alternating bottles. Basically followed shawmutt's howto but used super glue gel (silicone did not work for me) and bought a used bubble ladder from LFS with CO2-safe tubing for $10. Much cheaper and I believe better results than Hagen system :)

Great article and kH/pH info: http://www.qsl.net/w2wdx/aquaria/diyco2.html

Wow, great information. I didn't realize there was an articles section, i'm gonna have to check it out after this.

1) So adding 2-3 oto's should be alright considering the fish I currently have in there? If not, i'll pick up some of those this weekend.

2) Thanks for that link, good explanation. So I guess my fish have to swim in some cloudy water for a little while hehe. Do you recommend I go 100% plant substrate like eco-complete or 50/50 with my current gravel?

3) My lfs has the Hagen kit for around $20ish, and that's what i was looking at getting. I'll read up more about DIY though.

Thanks for the help! Anybody else got any ides?
Spend your 20 bucks on parts to make your own CO2 reactor/generator...it will be more efficient, it will last longer and will be cheaper down the road.

Your lights need to be on for a minimum of 10 hours a day, 12-14 at most.

If your serious about planting the tank heavily, then go with 100 percent plant substrate; 2-4 inches. You'll the need the nutrient base. Youll also need a lot more light. For a heavily planted tank you should try to plan around 3,4, even 5 wpg if your going to supplement with CO2.

Your tank is very shallow for some taller plants....your going to have your work cut out for you in that tank. Also, your Cabomba will not thrive with the current lighting you have over the tank. It will do best in moderate to strong light and CO2 supplementation. It and the java fern will quickly become too tall for your tank as well; especially once you add more light. The anubias was a good choice for lower light levels.

If your going to plant the tank heavily and you do it all at once, then I would get a rubbermaid container, and fill it with tank water, your heater and an airstone. Add the fish and let them be while you work on the tank. Empty the 20l and clean it up good. Add the plant substrate and decorations and fill with dechlorinated water; at least part way. Aquascape with your plants...lots of 'em! Fill it the rest of the way up and turn on the filter. let it go overnight and test the water the next day. You should be able to add the fish now, and not be worried about the cycle process. . The plants will prevent this if the tank is heavily planted. Keep in mind, the plants should be healthy and growing rapidly for this method to work properly, but it does work. Its late. Im tired. Hopefully I didnt give bad advice :lol: Good luck.let us know how your doin.

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