Low light easy plants

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Nov 14, 2012
I need some plants that can grow at about 1.5 watts per gallon. I have a 29 gallon tank, and I want some tall plants and some bush like plants, as well as some color variety. I'd really appreciate it!
Soon to be 29 gallon tank-
1 apistogramma, 1 German blue ram, 8 cherry barbs, 4 Julii corydoas catfish, 1 male swordtail
3 oto catfish
Low light tolerant plants are Anubia's, Java Fern (regualar and Wendilov), Bolbitus, and crypts. You might be able to do swords and narrowleaf temple plant. What kind of lights are you getting exactly? T5HO, stock lighting that comes with the hood, or ????
Watt per gallon is outdated with todays lighting systems.
Sorry it's the marineland 29 gallon kit, comes with good and 42 white LED and 3 blue LED
You can most likely do the ones above and perhaps something like Dwarf sag and maybe Jungle or Corkscrew vals, oh and maybe a Red or Green Tiger Lotus.
I use 100% black cotton thread and tie them on. Since the thread is 100% cotton it will dissolve in time and by then the plants will be attached.
Thanks, I'll try it! I'm planning to start with a tall plant, swords? What, of those. Is the fastest growing?
In lower light, none are really much faster than the other. If you want faster you can probably do some water sprite. It does grow fast.
In order, I like mostly

1) amazon sword
2) Anubis
3) java fern
4) water sprite
Any non green ones? And would those work?
In order, I like mostly

1) amazon sword
2) Anubis
3) java fern
4) water sprite
Any non green ones? And would those work?

Crypt Wendtii Red, Bronze, Mi Oya, and Florida Sunset plus Red Tiger Lotus can handle low light, it will just grow slower.
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