Lowest Price on Milwaukee pH Controller??

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 31, 2003
Hey everyone,

I haven't been in the market for a Milwaukee SMS122 pH controller for a while. Does anybody know where I can get the best deal on one of these? I've tried Aquabotanic and a couple of other sites. The prices seem to have gone up since I was last in the market.


I think the price differential is going to be moot. Marcus did an OK jog for me with mine.
I agree. In the end you will probably pay about the same no matter where you shop, except you might find a deal on Aquabid or ebay if you have time to wait for a deal. There you may be able to prey upon those who are "sick" of losing fish/plants and ready to exit the hobby with a few sheckels in their pocket, with a poor memory of how much they originally spent.
I just seen last week where Aquariumplant.com had 122 controllers on sale for 65 bucks. Not sure if they are still having the sale. Worth a look.

I wish I would have ponied up and bought the controller when I purchased a JBJ regulator. :(
LOL, Tankgirl. That's so true. That's how most ppl get those fantastic deals on aquarium setups--100 gallon with filter, lights, stand etc. for $100 sort of thing.

Thanks, Darin for the price quote.

I ended up going with Mojo Troll's suggestion--AquariumPlant.com had the 122 for $69.99, and that was the best deal I could find. Also got some Ludwigia repens, Bacopa Caroliniana and a few other plants. They have a bunch plant sale going on ATM.

One last question...

I don't suppose anybody's ever come across an electronic KH meter, have they? I hate having to use those drops every time to measure KH and CO2 level. Lazy... I can find a total dissolved solids meter, but that's the best I've been able to do.
Hmmm, pH controller.....

Did you guy/gal take a loan on that? :D :D :D

If onhly i could..... :D :D :D
Aquarium plant currently has the best deal on these to be truthful.
He is actually loosing $ with the deal he had
Yeah, I can imagine that he's losing money on that deal!...

Actually, I've had a couple of days of splurging on supplies for my tanks. Recently got a better-paying job, and I have been pretty restrained for the last 4 months--bought only one ballast and a few fish--that I've decided to spend a couple hundred on some much-needed devices to set my planted tank to an equilibrium state! So, I got the pH controller etc. AND an Eheim Liquidoser ($50 on BigAls) AND 2L bottles of Iron, Potassium, Trace. This tank's going to look so good soon! Really excited to get the pH controller today or tomorrow...
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