LR Questions

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 9, 2003
Chicago, IL
How much LR is suggested for a 72 gallon tank? I am going with a DSB setup and have heard that I would need approx. 72 lbs.

Does this all have to be LR or could I do 50 lbs of LR and 25 lbs of base rock (since the base will eventually become live).

I have nothing in my tank now except the sand and water. I would like to buy the LR from an online retailer (since it so much cheaper than LFS) and would like to know if anyone has done this and what their experience has been.

I plan on throwing in a raw shrimp at the same time I add the LR to get the cycle started. Any issues with this?

Thanks in advance
A general rule is 1.5 lbs of rock per gallon. And you could mix and match your rock as far as I know, but you won't get as cool of stuff. :)

I think Aaron (fishfreek) has mentioned using a raw shrimp as a fishless cycle method, so you should be ok with that.

How much LR is suggested for a 72 gallon tank? I am going with a DSB setup and have heard that I would need approx. 72 lbs.

I would anywhere between 75 - 100. About 1.5lbs per gallon is usually recommended, but you can get away with 1lb per gallon with a true DSB.

Does this all have to be LR or could I do 50 lbs of LR and 25 lbs of base rock (since the base will eventually become live).

Absoutely - you could probably do at least half base rock - even more, depending on how patient you are, and how long you want to watch white rock turn purple. :)

I would like to buy the LR from an online retailer (since it so much cheaper than LFS) and would like to know if anyone has done this and what their experience has been.

When we set up our old 75g a few years ago, we bought Fiji from Permium Aquatics and were very impressed. There are some great deals out there on rock - a lot depends on what type of rock you want. Try - they have great wholesale live rock prices.

I plan on throwing in a raw shrimp at the same time I add the LR to get the cycle started. Any issues with this?

No issues that I know of - but I would just buy uncured LR, cheaper than cured, and it'll jump your cycle without the raw shrimp.

How much LR is suggested for a 72 gallon tank? I am going with a DSB setup and have heard that I would need approx. 72 lbs.

Do you plan on using any supplamental biological filtration? How much will depend on how it looks to you, IMO. As a general rule, 1 - 1.5 lbs per gallon will do for biological filtration. As for looks, it would depend on the density of the rock. I would start with the 72 lbs and once you get it aquascaped look and see if you think it looks good, or if it needs more.

Does this all have to be LR or could I do 50 lbs of LR and 25 lbs of base rock (since the base will eventually become live).

This would be perfectly acceptable, as noted above the lbs per gallon is for biological filtration, base rock will provide the same surface are for nitrification of LR of the same density at the same weight. You might look at for base rock, I have heard several good revues of their rock.

I would like to buy the LR from an online retailer (since it so much cheaper than LFS) and would like to know if anyone has done this and what their experience has been.

I think this is gonna vary from vendor to vendor, but the vast amounts I've read have been good revues, just make sure you pick a vendor with a good reputaion.

I plan on throwing in a raw shrimp at the same time I add the LR to get the cycle started. Any issues with this?

Sounds like a good plan to me, the shrimp will another source of nitrogen for the cycle.
The explain the fishless cycle in the articles section of this website. If you use uncured LR then that will become part of the cycle as things die off as well.
Wow, Thanks for the quick responses. I believe I have a true DSB (150 lbs of Southdown and 60 lbs of live sand) I've got a good 5+" throughout the tank. My wife was asking me if I was going to leave any room for the fish ;)

I will look for some uncured LR and some base rock to begin the aquascaping. I am going to use the LR for filtration.

One more question: When would I purchase the maintainance or cleaning crew? Would I do this after the tank is cycled and when I am adding my first fish?

Thanks again

Just food for thought - you're going to want some sort of "foundation" underneath your live sand. You don't want to place all your LR on top of the DSB, over time the sand will shift & settle, which could conceivably cause a rock slide. We used (dead) base rock under our DSB, some ppl use PVC.

When would I purchase the maintainance or cleaning crew? Would I do this after the tank is cycled and when I am adding my first fish?

IMO, I would wait until your ammonia and nitrites are zero, and the nitrates are well on their way down, then add the cleaner crew. Make sure to acclimate slowly, as most mobile inverts are particularly sensitive to rapid fluctuations in sal/pH/temp.

I guess I should have thought about putting the base rock or PVC under the DSB before I put the DSB, LS, and SW in the tank.

Thanks to all for the help. It is boards like this with people willing to help that make this hobby so much more fun.
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