Macro Algae Options

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Dec 23, 2012
Dallas/Fort Worth
So, I see there are a number of macro algae options. Are there any pros/cons to one over another? I have a big chunk of chaeto in my fuge and was thinking of adding some dragons breath. Would there be any value to that?
there are pros and cons to most but the main ones are caulerpra is the best by far at exporting nutrients but can go a sexual and do a lot of damage to the tank. chaeto is safer option but not as fast growing so not as effective and i believe dragons breath is about the same but looks better and costs more. if you want best nutrient export i would do some research or ask on here how best to care for caulerpra so it does not go a sexual
Doesn't Caleurpa require planting? I can't plant one. Just thought if there were advantages to adding another type I would add some. I'm not looking at removing the chaeto. It's doing very well.
Grape caulerpa is one of the more common types to use in a refugium. It can be grown floating but will adhere itself to any rough surface that's available.
I believe that some are illegal to ship to california although I'm not sure about that.
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