Making floater food sink.

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 17, 2003
Is there anyway to make nutrafin goldfish food sink?

The goldie in my main tank won't eat it floating for some reason, though he can swim fine... but he goes right for anything sinking near him.
I'll buy sinking food soon but I have no $$$.
Try smooshing them if they're pellets. I had a similar problem with Bio-Blend pellets; smooshing in my fingers caused em to sink.
Perhaps you could "presoak" them in a small container with tank water for 15-20 minutes (give or take 5 minutes). Just make sure the container is only used for the fish. That's how long I soak my freeze-dried bloodworms to make them sink.
Generally it is surface tension that holds them up. When my flakes are floating I just stick my finger into the water and the food starts to sink.
Though soaking it ans smushing it helped make the food sink my fish still won't eat, and now he's kinda just sitting in the corner...
2 days ago the conditions in the tank were nitrates/nitrites - fine
Ammonia was a tad high and ph was about 6.4. (i dont have exact numbers)

I have been doing daily 25% changes and adding small amounts of ph raiser during each change.
Ph products will only work if your water hardness is low. If it is high doing water changes will just increase the buffer. Instead I wouldn't worry too much about using such a product. Just make sure the ammonia and nitrites are no around and use a good dechlorinator. Goldfish will do fine in that pH once they adjust to it.
Did another water change, And I have gotten him to eat.
fed him about 40 wet pellets one by one, took a while but its better for him.

Also, I think he may be scared of me, I wear mostly dark band shirts and when ever a part of me covered by the shirt moves he gets scared and swims really fast, but if I roll up my sleeve and only move my arm he acts fine...
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